

時間:2024-10-24 11:00:46 求職英語 我要投稿
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One out of two college graduates are jobless or are underemployed in low-wage jobs that require minimal skills, according to government data. Here is some career advice for those who are about to face the real world:根據(jù)政府發(fā)布的數(shù)據(jù)來看,兩個大學畢業(yè)生中就有一個要么找不到工作,要么干一些技術含量很低、薪水又少的工作。下面提供一些建議可以幫助應屆生們更好地來面對這個現(xiàn)實的社會:

1.Lighten your load:It may be too late to do so, but your last  semester should have the lightest class load. You should start reducing your commitments if you haven't already, start devoting less time to social and extracurricular activities, and put more of a focus on things that will help you with your job hunt.一.減輕負擔?赡苓@個時候來做這件事已經有點晚了,但是大學里的最后一個學期通常都不會有很重的課業(yè)負擔。如果你還沒有為自己的校園生活減負的話,那么現(xiàn)在就要開始做起來了:少參加一些社交或課余活動,把更多的時間用來找工作。

2.Network:Go out there and network as much as you can. Meet people and tell your friends and family that you're looking for a job. Use LinkedIn to your advantage to see if you have any connections that can internally refer you to the company of your dreams.二.拓展人脈。多出去轉轉,結識更多的人。告訴別人你正在找工作,好好利用你的社交網絡帳戶來尋找是否有認識的人可以把你介紹到你希望去的公司工作。

3.Go on practice interviews:Even if you don't want the job, take the interview for practice purposes. The more you repeat your story and answers, the more naturally it'll come to you. With practice, you'll be able to better answer questions and think critically on the spot.三.多去參加面試。即使你不想要這份工作,你也應該去參加面試,這樣就可以多多磨練你的面試技巧了。對于自己在面試中會說到的故事、答案練習得越多,你就能在面試中越自然地把它們說出來。通過不斷的面試練習,你能更好地回答問題,臨場發(fā)揮也會更好。

4.Take any job:Career experts are now saying that new grads should take whatever job they can get. Beggars can't be choosers in a poor job market, and one should see this not-so-ideal job as a stepping stone. The more picky you are with jobs, the longer you'll be unemployed, and the more explaining you'll have to do during your interview.四.先就業(yè)。職業(yè)專家現(xiàn)在建議應屆生要先就業(yè),無論是什么樣的工作都要先找到工作。在不景氣的就業(yè)市場,求職者沒有太多的選擇余地,只好先做一些不那么理想的工作來為自己打基礎。你對找工作越是挑三揀四,就越難找到工作,你就不得不在面試中更多地解釋為什么你找不到工作的原因。

5.Do an internship: Can't get a job? Take an internship if you can afford to. In the worst case scenario, you might have to take on side jobs to supplement your income. Internships can provide very valuable experience and can even help you get your foot in the door.五.參加實習。暫時找不到工作怎么辦?如果你在經濟上負擔得起的話,你可以先去找一份實習。最壞的情況就是,你要邊參加實習,邊打零工來貼補生活費。實習工作會給你提供很多寶貴的工作經驗,甚至可以幫助你找到工作。

6.Keep learning: Become a more sought-after candidate by continually adding to your arsenal of skills and educating yourself. Language skills are very valued so take online classes to increase your expertise in that area. Learn a second language through online college classes can benefit you when you are hunting a job.六.不斷學習。要想成為受歡迎的求職者,你就要不斷充電、提升自己的能力。在網上學習語言技能就是一項很好的投資(網校課程>>)。學一門外語可以讓你在求職時更有競爭力。









