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  Moynier et al. announce from the accessible parts of the Earth, that the Earth has a chromium isotopic composition that is distinct from that of chondritic meteorites, which are the primitive and undifferentiated building blocks of the solar system().
  A. from the accessible parts of the Earth, that the Earth has a chromium isotopic composition that is distinct from that of chondritic meteorites, which are the primitive and undifferentiated
  B. from the accessible parts of the Earth, that they have a chromium isotopic composition that is distinct from those of chondritic meteorites, including the primitive and undifferentiated
  C. that the accessible parts of the Earth have a chromium isotopic composition that is distinct from that of chondritic meteorites, the primitive and undifferentiated
  D. that the Earth’s chromium isotopic composition, collected from the accessible parts of the earth, is distinct from that of chondritic meteorites, including the primitive and undifferentiated
  E. the accessible parts of the Earth, having a chromium isotopic composition, are distinct from those of chondritic meteorites, the primitive and undifferentiated
