據(jù)悉,近幾年金融工程專業(yè)成為美國留學的熱門學科,下面我們一起去看看2016年TFE Times美國金融工程專業(yè)大學排名的情況吧!
2016年TFE Times美國金融工程專業(yè)大學排名
排名 | 學校 | 學校 | 項目名稱 |
1 | 哥倫比亞大學 | Columbia University | Financial Engineering |
2 | 加州大學伯克利校區(qū) | University of California - Berkeley | Financial Engineering |
3 | 康奈爾大學 | Cornell University | Financial Engineering |
4 | 紐約大學 | New York University | Financial Mathematics |
5 | 卡耐基梅隆大學 | Carnegie Mellon University | Computational Finance |
6 | 芝加哥大學 | University of Chicago | Financial Mathematics |
7 | 伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 | University of Illinois | Financial Engineering |
8 | 約翰•霍普金斯大學 | Johns Hopkins University | Financial Engineering |
9 | 佐治亞理工學院 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Quantitative & Computational Finance |
10 | 斯坦福大學 | Stanford University | Computational and Mathematical Engineering |
11 | 紐約大學理工學院 | NYU Tandon School of Engineering | Financial Engineering |
12 | 倫斯勒理工學院 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | Quantitative Finance and Risk Analytics |
13 | 史蒂文斯理工學院 | Stevens Institute of Technology | Financial Engineering |
14 | 加州大學洛杉磯校區(qū) | University of California - Los Angeles | Financial Engineering |
15 | 圣母大學 | University of Notre Dame | Computational Finance |
16 | 南加州大學 | University of Southern California | Financial Engineering |
17 | 伊利諾斯理工大學 | Illinois Institute of Technology | Mathematical Finance |
18 | 克萊蒙特研究大學 | Claremont Graduate University | Financial Engineering |
19 | 巴魯克學院 | Baruch College | Financial Engineering |
20 | 北卡羅來納大學夏洛特分校 | University of North Carolina - Charlotte | Mathematical Finance |
21 | 羅格斯大學 | Rutgers University | Mathematical Finance |
22 | 明尼蘇達大學--雙城校區(qū) | University of Minnesota | Financial Mathematics |
23 | 北卡羅來納州立大學 | North Carolina State University | Financial Mathematics |
24 | 波士頓大學 | Boston University | Mathematical Finance |
25 | 福特漢姆大學 | Fordham University | Quantitative Finance |
26 | 佐治亞州立大學 | Georgia State University | Mathematical Risk Management |
27 | 康涅狄格大學 | University of Connecticut | Applied Financial Mathematics |
28 | 佛羅里達州立大學 | Florida State University | Financial Mathematics |
29 | 羅徹斯特理工學院 | Rochester Institute of Technology | Computational Finance |
30 | 德保羅大學 | DePaul University | Computational Finance |
31 | 伍斯特理工學院 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | Financial Mathematics |
32 | 理海大學 | Lehigh University | Analytical Finance |
33 | 華盛頓大學 | University of Washington | Computational Finance and Risk Management |
34 | 石溪大學 | Stony Brook University | Quantitative Finance |
35 | 霍夫斯特拉大學 | Hofstra University | Quantitative Finance |
36 | 新澤西理工學院 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Mathematical and Computational Finance |
37 | 德州農(nóng)工大學 | Texas A&M University | Financial Mathematics |
38 | 天普大學 | Temple University | Financial Engineering |
39 | 奧克拉荷馬州立大學 | Oklahoma State University | Quantitative Financial Economics |
40 | 普渡大學 | Purdue University | Computational Finance |
41 | 密歇根大學 | University of Michigan | Quantitative Finance & Risk Management |
42 | 紐約州立大學布法羅分校 | University at Buffalo | Quantitative Finance |
43 | 華盛頓州立大學 | Washington State University | Computational Finance |
44 | 代頓大學 | University of Dayton | Financial Mathematics |
45 | 德州大學惠靈頓分享 | University of Texas at Arlington | Quantitative Finance |
46 | 布拉德利大學 | Bradley University | Quantitative Finance |