To obtain a chaenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and deveopment.
1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate Schoo of Tsinghua University, M.E.
1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technoogy,B.E.
Academic Main Courses
Advanced Mathematics Probabiity and Statistics inear Agebra
Engineering Mathematics Numerica Agorithm Operationa Agorithm
Functiona Anaysis inear and Noninear Programming
Eectronics and Computer
Circuit Principa Data Structures Digita Eectronics
Artificia Inteigence Computer oca Area Network
Computer Abiitees
Skiedin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTM, CGI, JavaScript, Per, Visua Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rationa RequisitePro, Process,Pasca, P/I and SQ software
Engish Skis
Have a good command of both spoken and written Engish .Past CET-6, TOEF:623;GRE:2213
Schoarships and Awards
1999.3 Guanghua First-cass Schoarship for graduate
1998.11 Meta Machining Practice Award
1997.4 Academic Progress Award
Genera business knowedge reating to financia, heathcare
Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense
john t. bray
464 st george street
bc v5t 1z7
phone no.
to obtain a chaenging position as a web designer within a arge exciting company.
bryer computer services, cambridge, ma
web designer
met and corresponded with cients to determine cient needs for company sites.
created corporate web sites, portas and arge-scae web appications.
deveoped and designed new web interfaces, ayouts and site graphics.
created and designed test web sites for saes as we as demonstration purposes.
comprehensive technica knowedge of htm programming and javascript coding.
responsibe for quaity assurance of finished websites incuding the vaidation of web forms and inks
designed trained users and tempates on deveopment of future pages.
massachusetts heathcare co. inc., boston ma 1998 - XX
web designer
deveoped and maintained intranet and internet for company websites utiizing dream weaver, htm, fash and photoshop.
performed vaidation of competed sites incuding the debugging and testing of code.
deveoped and designed user-friendy interface for on-ine programmes ike muti-media systems and web-driven e-mai.
created graphics incuding icons and ogos using fireworks and photoshop.
faciitated training on the use of programmes such as fireworks and dream weaver.
instaed shopping carts by use of cgi scripts for business cient websites.
massachusetts institute of technoogy (mit) boston, ma
1994 - 1998 bs in computer science
technica skis:
anguages: c, htm and java.
proficient with htm, macromedia dream weaver, fireworks, aaire home site, microsoft office professiona edition, adobe acrobat, webposition god, top dog, search engine optimiser (seo)
famiiarity with adobe go ive, microsoft frontpage, adobe photoshop, jasc paint shop pro, macromedia fash