- 相關(guān)推薦
homogeneous 同質(zhì)的 homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous)^ homosexual, heterosexual
mainstream 主流 主流的
dialect 方言 (v.s. accent)
discrepancy 差異
misconception 誤解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding
barrier 障礙(物)~ bar, = barricade
discrimination 區(qū)別,歧視racial/sexual discrimination discriminate (+against)
hierarchy 等級制度heir + arch(govern) + y
insularity 島國性質(zhì) ( insular, ^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.
microcosm 小天地 micro + cosm(os)
nostalgia = homesickness
patriot 愛國者 (<> traitor)à patriotic, patriotism
compatriot 同胞 同胞的com + patriot
vernacular 本地的,本國的 本地話,本國話the vernacular languages of India
Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanish
immigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate)
antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”
permeate 滲透,彌漫Smoke permeated the house.
entrepreneur 企業(yè)家 (~ enterprise)à entrepreneurship
practitioner 開業(yè)者,從業(yè)者praction(practice) + er
celebrity a famous person= luminary, VIP
proxy 代理人
anecdote 軼事 (à anecdotal)
notoriety 惡名 ( notorious)
counterpart 對應人,對等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China?^ counterculture, counterbalance
peer 同等的人 凝視,窺視(~ peep)
subordinate 下級 下級的<> superior
tactics 戰(zhàn)術(shù),技巧v.s. strategy (戰(zhàn)略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tactics
nuance a subtle difference in meaning
benchmarking 類比分析
punctual 準時的,守時的 (à punctuality)
absenteeism 曠工absent à absentee à absenteeism
flextime 彈性工作時間flex(flexible) + time
harass 騷擾 (à harassment)Mary said that Gary had sexually harassed her.
redundancy 冗余,冗員network redundancy
downsize 裁員 (~ lay off)
ballot 投票 (= vote)
impartial 不偏不倚的 (<> partial)
lobby 大堂(n.) 游說(v.)
shortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)
equilibrium 平衡,均衡
questionnaire 調(diào)查表,問卷
quantitative 定量的 (<> qualitative)
contingency 偶然性,偶然事件
incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recur
ethical 倫理的,符合倫理的~ ethics, <> unethical
dubious 疑惑的,可疑的 (~ doubt)People were dubious about the result.
manifestation 顯示,證明 ( manifest)
subtitle 字幕,副標題 (sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts)
dubbing 配音錄制
vogue 時尚 ^ chic
bizarre 奇異的v.s. weird (怪異的)
mediocre 平庸的
dietitian 飲食學家 (~ diet)
connoisseur 行家,鑒賞家^ entrée, a la carte
accommodation (膳宿)供應= room and board
lodging 寄宿(處)
lease 出租 “for lease”, “to let”v.s. rent
tenant 房客,佃戶
landlord 房東 à landlady(f) Lord, <> tenant
housemate ~ roommate, dormmate^ schoolmate, classmate
dormitory 寢室 (abbrev. dorm)
au pair A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework(另) = reciprocal
reciprocal 相互的,互惠的
hostel youth hostel~ hotel
real estate 房地產(chǎn)
vicinity = neighborhood
flat 平的,癟的 flat tire公寓(= apartment)^ condo, studio
bond = deposit
linen 亞麻的 亞麻織品,床單(= bed linen)
utensil 器皿
stationery 文具 (v.s. stationary)
laundry 洗衣,洗衣店
cafeteria 自助餐廳~ canteen
cater 滿足(需要)
aerobics 有氧健身操 “aero”: air
badminton 羽毛球(運動)
baseball 棒球 baseball bat
squash 壁球(運動)
amateur <> professional
gathering 聚會v.s. meeting, reunion
excursion 遠足 (= outing, expedition)
commonwealth 共和國,聯(lián)邦Commonwealth: 英聯(lián)邦
tertiary 第三的After purchasing a house and a car, the next major life expenditure is almost certainly the cost of tertiary education.primary à secondary à tertiary
post-secondary “post”: afterpostgraduate, postdoctoral, post-sale, postwar
illiterate 文盲 不識字的il(no) + literate(words)à illiteracy (<> literacy)
discipline 學科,紀律v.s. subject
terminology 術(shù)語
faculty department and staff of a college/university
dean (大學)教務長
curriculum 課程 (= course)à extracurricular 課外的
syllabus 課程提綱
calendar 日歷,日程 (~ schedule, agenda, timetable)
compulsory 強制的,必修的<> elective (選修的)
examiner <> examinee^ take/sit, pass/get through, fail, retake/resit
recruit 招生,招募à recruitment= enroll
prestige 聲望,威信à prestigious
esteem 尊敬 (n. & v.)your esteemed school/company
aptitude 智力SAT: School Aptitude Test
matriculation 錄取入學
vocation 職業(yè) (= calling, occupation, career)à vocationalvocational education
TAFE Technical And Further Education (Australian)
abbreviation 縮略(詞)~ abridge (縮短,刪節(jié))
transferable (學分等)可轉(zhuǎn)換的
scholarship 獎學金= fellowship
tutorial 輔導(課) tutor (= lecturer, instructor)
pedagogue 教員,學究~ pedagogy (教育學,教學法)^ demagogue (政治煽動家)
lexicography 詞典編撰 (à lexicographer)
assignment 任務,(課外)作業(yè)
dissertation 論文 (= thesis)
credential 證明,文憑 “cred”: creditlinguistic credentials
alumni 校友(男)alumnae
overestimate 高估 (underestimate)
decipher 解碼,解釋 (= decode)decipher workplace culture
caliber 才干