

6.2 筆試真題 & 詳解

真題 1:



A.食品∶餅干 B.頭∶身體 C.手∶食指 D.鋼鐵∶金屬



A.核桃:桃酥 B.棉花:棉子 C.西瓜:瓜子 D.槍:子彈



A.飛機(jī):海洋 B.海洋:鯨魚 C.海鷗:天空 D.河流:蘆葦


A.兔子:月亮 B.住宅:府第 C.伽藍(lán):寺廟 D.映山紅:杜蘅



A.家具:燈具 B.猴子:樹木 C.鯊魚:鯨魚 D.香瓜:西瓜



1. 256,269,286,302,()

A.254 B.307 C.294 D.316

2+5+6=13,2+6+9=17,2+8+6=16,3+0+2=5 所以256+13=269,269+17=286,286+16=302,302+5=307 答案是307

2. 72,36,24,18,()

A.12 B.16 C.14.4 D.16.4

72:36=2:1,36:24=3:2,24:18=4:3,18:X=5:4 選C,14.4

3. 8,10,14,18,()

A.24 B.32 C.26 D.20

(8-10):(10-14)=(14-18):(18-?) 答案26

4. 3,11,13,29,31,()

A.52 B.53 C.54D.55






49+6=55 答案55


5. -2/5,1/5,-8/750,( )

A 11/375 B 9/375 C 7/375 D 8/375

首先,將數(shù)列各項(xiàng)化為:4/(-10),1/5,8/(-750),“11/375”分母分成2組:(-10,5);(-750,375)顯然前項(xiàng)是后項(xiàng)的-2倍。而分子4,1,8,11頭尾相減后得:11-4=8-1=7;所以括號(hào)里面應(yīng)寫11/375 答案:A

6. 1944,108,18,6,()

A 3 B 1 C -10 D-87

1944/108 = 18

108/18 = 6

18/6 = 3 所以填3

7. 3,3,4,8,5,15,(),()

A 4 20 B 4 24 C6 24 D6 20


8. 1/2,1/3,2/3,6/3,(),54/36

A 9/12 B18/3 C18/6 D18/36

中間一項(xiàng)等于兩邊兩項(xiàng)的乘積 答案:C

9. 11/49,4/7,3,20,139,()

A 972 B654 C829 D354

每一項(xiàng)乘以7再減去1等于后一項(xiàng). 答案:A 139*7-1=972

10. 16,36,25,49,36,94,()

A 49 B81 C100 D121



1. 72*22+64*31+99+7的值是:

A 3872 B3759 C3674 D35


2. 小蔡去超市購物,她買了1.6千克蘋果,4磅食油和3.8市斤蘆


A、蘋果 B、食油 C、蘆柑 D、三者一樣重






3. 用0-9這10個(gè)數(shù)字可以組成多少個(gè)沒有重復(fù)數(shù)字的四位偶數(shù)?

A5040 B4000 C9000 D2296








1344 448 504=2296 答案:D

4. 有一條長(zhǎng)360米的公路,在路的一旁每隔8米種樹一棵,共需種樹多少棵?

A. 45 B. 46 C. 47 D. 48


真題 2:

百威英博 24 小時(shí)測(cè)試題完整版

Part way through a project you realize that you need more time to completeyou’re your colleagues are also struggling on their part of the project and you happen to be more expert in that area and so they ask you for help. On top of that, your manager has asked you to work on another task that is unrelated to the project. How would you tackle this situation?

A Work extra time on your project to give some time to help your colleagues and extend the end date so you can do what your manager wants.

B Talk to your manager, explain the situation and ask for more resources to complete all the conflicting priorities.

C Share your plan with those requesting your time and prioritize your different tasks, say 'no' to the least important.

You are under pressure to deliver a report for the next management meeting. You find that to complete the main section you need another department to send some information.After requesting this information they explain to you they are short of staff and cannot deliver on time for your report. Also, you have a lot of other activities/tasks you should finalize. What is your reaction?

A Explain the situation to your manager and ask him to re prioritize this for you or talk to the other department to get them to prioritize your information.

B Offer to help the other department in any way you could to achieve their priority so they can deliver your information, however you would have to deliver your normal work also.

C Look for a way around this situation and try to find a way you could present the report without this information.

You have just been put in charge of a team, and you know that some of the team members are not on track for the delivery of their targets. They have commented that they feel the targets are too stretching because of lack of management support. What approach would you favor the most?

Request from your manager that the targets are reviewed and made less stretching until you can sort out the management issues.

Organize a team building exercise to get to increase their motivation so they can delivertheir existing targets.

C Organize a one-on-one meeting with each team member to understand their development needs so you can best support them to deliver their targets.

ABInBev has recently introduced a new culture globally. You are sent to a country where they traditionally work in a very different way and are finding it difficult to adopt the new culture.

How do you tackle this issue?

A Work in the country practicing the new culture yourself to help introduce it by understanding their issues.

B Examine the objections and prepare solid counter arguments to convince the people of the new culture.

C Ask people who work in the country what they would suggest is the best way to introduce the new culture.

You have arranged an evening out with other colleagues to celebrate a successful joint project that has been well received. When you arrive at the restaurant and ask for a drink they inform you that they no longer sell the ABInBev beers. Do you:

A Accept that not all restaurants would have ABInBev beers, stay for dinner and consume another beer brand, but not go there next time.

B Stay for dinner, only drink soft drinks, explaining to the restaurant why you have decided to do this.

C Explain why you are there and that you cannot stay if they do not sell ABInBev beers. 6.As part of your training you have been put in charge of a shift in a Brewery being shadowed by the normal manager. Five minutes before the shift finishes a problem occurs which would take two hours to fix. Do you:

Give a comprehensive handover to the next shift and let them take care of the problem.

Stay on and help the next shift deal with the problem.

Ask the normal manager to help the new shift with the problem.

You are working in sales. One of your clients has decided to move his stores to a completely different area of town and as part of this new initiative, the client will not be able to sell the ABInBev products for a while, and in addition he will be reviewing which brands of beer to sell on the new location. He sends you an e-mail to inform you of this. You are under pressure to sell more beer as you may not reach your targets this year. Do you:

Offer your own time to help him have a successful move so he may take on more ABInBev products.

B Get him in touch with people who may be able to help him move and concentrate on other sales opportunities.

C Once he has moved, give him a hand with choosing the most appropriate brands,concentrate on other sales possibilities.

You have been working very hard on a very important project over the past month and have arranged to go away for a rest this weekend. On Friday you realize a problem has occurred with the project involving the weekend shift people. You have to deal with this. Do you

A Go away as planned but arrange to stay in touch all weekend.

B Cancel the weekend and go into work to support the weekend shift people.

C Find someone who has experience of this area of work and ask them to help this weekend.

9.You have a report to present to the senior team. It is a complicated financial report which is usually boring to present, but which could vitally affect their future decisions. You have a slot in the next team meeting. What would you consider as the most important?

A Make sure the presentation is interesting to ensure you get their full attention.

B Ensure there is adequate time to present and discuss the issues and consequences.

C Limit your presentation to a few slides, but easy to understand, simple and clear.

You have an assignment which requires a lot of travel. Your manager gives you the responsibility to book everything. Which of these three considerations would you prioritize?

The convenience of airports/stations and comfort of travel so that you are fresh when you arrive.

The amount of time the travel will take.

The amount the travel costs.

When dealing with an established sales force and talking to them about corporate/social responsibility, which of these three approaches would you prefer to adopt when making the presentation?

A You present with a lot of drive and determination and make sure they understand the key messages.

B You present by focusing on knowledge and give a lot of facts.

C You foresee enough time for the presentation to ensure they fully understand.

Before you start an assignment at a plant, you are given a guided tour. Part way throughthe tour you notice something that you think maybe being done inefficiently. Would you

A Mention this to your manager.

B Wait until you have more experience and tackle it yourself.

C Question what is happening and why immediately.

You are helping with presentations to potential new hires in a university job fare. What approach would you take?

Try to be an example of the InBev culture so they can see what is expected.

Try and be as helpful and friendly as possible to make a good impression.

Prepare as well as possible about InBev (its history, brands, strategy etc) to share this information and be able to answer all questions.

You are sitting with friends and the subject of ABInbev comes up and some of your friends start to criticize the local Brewery. You feel some of their negative ents are reasonable and from what you know internally you can see why they have this impression. What would you do?

Remain neutral so you can find out their points of view and report them back to the Brewery.

Defend the Brewery by giving counter arguments tackling their negative points.

As they know you work for ABInBev, join in and give your own opinions of the Brewery.

15.How would those who have worked with you before describe you?

Someone who is very flexible.

Someone who gets on well with most of the colleagues.

Someone who is very demanding and works hard.

You start working with a person that has a reputation for not getting on with others. What approach do you take?

Talk to the person to try to find out more information about what had happened previously so that you could try to understand their behavior.

Try to help them improve their relationships with others by advising them what they should do differently.

Work as hard as you can and focus on your job and the teams objective, as team success is more important.

17.I am the sort of person


Prefers to waste no time and just get on with the job, getting through as much as I can, as fast as I can.

Always plans their work in advance, sets key milestones, but remains flexible to deal with changes.

Usually has a plan but sometimes deviates from it when there are really tight timescales 18.Whilst working as a management trainee you have periods where your workload is not as high as others in your team. How would you approach this?

I would spend the quieter times getting to know my colleagues better and finding out what different experiences they have had.

I would make the most of the quieter times by getting on with the jobs that I don't always get time to do, such as organizing my filesC. I would try to plan so that I had a more even spread of work and fill any quiet time by doing research for my own development.

Which of the following would those who know you well be most likely to say about you?

Always takes the time to help others out.

Is good at understanding complex information.

Is very outgoing and makes friends easily.

Which statement best describes the way you like to learn the tasks and activities of a new role?

A By attending a formal training course prior to starting in the role.

B By shadowing a more experienced colleague.

C By working in the role and learning “on the job”.

You are having lunch with a colleague, when another member of her team comes to sit with you, and starts making very negative coents about the organization and her team. How do you feel?

A Sympathetic

B Annoyed

C Neutral



