The Fox and the Crow
Chapter 1
Long long ago,there are a fox and a crow in the forest.The crow once made a nest on a tree. But she ignored an important thing, that is, her neighbourhood---the fox, which is lived in a hole under the tree.One day, the crow found a piece of meat, carrying it with her mouth and standing on the branch, she felt very happy. while at that time the fox came out from his hole and noticed this scene, he was quite eager to eat the meat and cannot help to swallowing his mouth water.
He though t;" The piece of meat must be very delicious, but how could I get it?"
The fox thought a minute, then smiled to the crow and said,"Dear crow, your feathers is more beautiful than the peacock, and you should be the king of the birds just because of your look."
The crow listened, but have any reaction to it.
Then the fox continued:" Dear crow, your voice was more beautiful than the nightingale, but you never show yourself to us, to be honest,I have never seen the second singer like you!"
The crow gave a glimpse to the fox, and still kept silent.
So the fox continued. "Oh! dear , you are so beautiful , but without a touching song, I'm afraid you can not become the king of birds. If you can match your beauty with a sweet singing? Then you will really be suit for this glorious title. "
After hearing this ,the crow felt so happy that began to sing. "Ah -",upon opening her mouth,the meat fell down to fox's mouth.
Chapter 2
After a few days, the crow got another piece of meat, but the scene was also catched by the fox. he was still drool on it,.On the other hand, the crow also got a lesson from the last experience.
When the fox came out from the hole, the crow vigilantly watched it and thought :"The nasty fox must intent to lie me again, I swear no matter how beautiful his speech is, I would ignore to it."
The fox begin to praise the crow with the same methods "Your singing is very nice, but it seems to be lack of a bit appeal, Oh, yes! you need a bit appeal, and please believe me, if you can come again, I think your performance will be perfect."The crow thought: "I will not gonna take your bait!" ,she captured the meat tightly. And ignore the fox's exist.
The fox did not achieve his aim. After turning his eyeball, and suddenly came up with an idea. He pointed to the crow with a long face and calling up:"What a fucking Do you think you are fantastic? You are the most hateful shit in the world. The people who meet you will be out of luck, let alone hear your voice" It'scry,(大呼) "Shut up..."
but just at this moment, the meat out of her mouth and fell to the ground. The fox pick it up and drill into the hole.
Chapter 3
After the meat being cheated once again, the crow think:"I shouldn't listen to the fox any (任何)words again,去)I must learn from the past experience."
One day, the crow got yet another piece of meat. When she felt tired, she land to a big tree to have a rest. As it happens, the fox was looking for food and saw the crow with a piece of meat, thought:" the last time the meat is delicious, today I must get the meat again."
The fox begin a new trick, for a monent compliment, a moment mock, a monet abuse, but have any effect, the crow still ignored the fox.
The fox has no idea, then think 去)a moment, said:”I heared that you
recently get a baby, their Cute obedient has already spread in the forest, I hope I can have such a good child like you, so I really intent to listen how can you breeding them so cute!”
The crow heard, and satisfied anomaly, begin to say“ah~~”
It is just a mouth, the meat fell to the land again, and the fox immediately grabbed it.
Chapter 4
One day, a crow get a piece of meat again, stood still in a tree, the fox comes again. But this time no matter what kinds of words the fox speak, the crow don't open her mouth again. Because the crow have learned: as long as one person has self-knowledge and really understand himself, then no matter who touted to himself, please, flattery, temptation, sarcasm or abuse, all this are useless. But the fox still didn't prepare to giving up,while the crow fly away with a meat.
心想:“這一塊肉一定很好吃吧,但是用什么辦法才能把那塊肉弄到手呢?” 狐貍想了想,就笑著對烏鴉說:
烏鴉聽了,心花怒放,得意的開始唱了起來,“啊--- ”,剛一張口,嘴里的`肉就掉了下去,成了狐貍的午餐。
狐貍又用同樣方法 開始贊揚(yáng)烏鴉歌聲的美妙:“您的歌聲非常的好聽,不過好像有點(diǎn)缺乏感染力,要是您能夠再來上一首,一定能夠發(fā)揮到極致的”
狐貍開始了新一輪的攻勢,一會兒贊揚(yáng),一會兒嘲笑,一會兒謾罵,都無濟(jì)于事,烏鴉始終對狐貍不理不睬。 狐貍沒有辦法,思考了一會兒,于是開口說道:“聽說你最近生了寶貝,它們的乖巧聽話在整個(gè)森林里已經(jīng)傳開了,我要是有你這么好的孩子就好了,真想聽聽您是如何把他們教養(yǎng)的如此乖巧可愛的!”