

時間:2020-12-04 15:53:43 推薦信 我要投稿





  univesity of intenational business and economics

  beijing 100029, p. . china

  sept. 28, 20xx

  dea colleagues:

  this is to ecommend ms. shan shan, a gaduate fom this univesity’s depatment of intenational business management, fo acceptance into you mba pogam.

  i have known ms. shan as a esouceful and goal-oiented individual since 1990, when she attended a lectue i deliveed, at which she asked peceptive and challenging questions. although she did not officially take a couse with me, she often consulted me on issues aising out of he studies. i theefoe have come to know he well. i feel stongly that ms. shan’s unusual talents and abilities will stand he in good stead fo a quality mba education, which should seve as a majo boost to he caee.

  while at this univesity, ms. shan was an outstanding student, boasting excellent pefomance in all subjects of he studies and demonstating geat potential. he oveall gpa anked he among the top 3 in he class of 40 students. but ms. shan was no bookwom devoted exclusively to exams. she ead extensively in subjects outside he majo, paticulaly in business law, maketing, finance and jounalism, all of which seemed to be fascinating to he. in ecognition of he intellectual stengths, the depatment offeed, at the time of he gaduation, to accept he into its gaduate without the nomally mandatoy examinations. she, howeve, tuned down the offe. a highly independent woman, she aleady had he own agenda set. she wanted to obtain pactical management expeience fist and then poceed to pusue a maste’s degee in business administative in you county. she appaently made the ight decision, fo she has since become one of ou most successful gaduates in he cop of students.

  ms. shan is good at communicating in both oal and witten english. some of he most impotant undegaduate couses wee taught by ameican pofessos, many of whom consideed he oal english as native and he witten english as standad. i am sue that she has since impoved he english a lot moe in he pofessional life.

  in ms. shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going chaacte. with highly unusual detemination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. she believes that, with had wok, she can achieve anything she wants. i think he confidence in heself is well gounded in he tack ecod, especially when consideing the fact that she enteed into this univesity as the daughte of a most impoveished family, but gaduated as a top student.

  judging by what i know of he, i think ms. shan is fully qualified to pusue an mba degee in you pogam. i theefoe ecommend he with enthusiasm. and i shall geatly appeciate if you can favoably conside he application fo admission and financial aid.

  yous sinceely


  To Whom It May Concen:

  This lette is my pesonal ecommendation fo Cathy Douglas. Until just ecently, I have been Cathy’s immediate supeviso fo seveal yeas. I found he to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile.

  Besides being a joy to wok with, Cathy is a take-chage peson who is able to pesent ceative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has successfully developed seveal maketing plans fo ou company that have esulted in inceased evenue. Duing he tenue, we saw an incease in pofits that exceeded one million dollas. The new evenue was a diect esult of the plans implemented by Cathy.

  Though she was an asset to ou maketing effots, Cathy was also extaodinaily helpful in othe aeas of the company. In addition to witing effective taining modules fo sales epesentatives, Cathy assumed a leadeship ole in sales meetings, inspiing and motivating othe employees.

  I highly ecommend Cathy fo employment. She is a team playe and would make a geat asset to any oganization.



  Dea Colleagues:

  As a teache in Depatment of Biology, Nankai Univesity, a leading univesity in China, I am vey pleased to take this oppotunity to ecommend one of my favoite students to you PhD pogam.

  In Septembe, 2004, Miss Zhang was my students in Geneal Biology, the fist pofessional couse they take in the field. She likes it vey much. I teach he in an open and inteactive manne, she is active and passionate about answeing class questions. Miss Zhang is bight, enegetic and enthusiastic gil who loves speaking out he own ideas. She neve escapes fom those points of which she is skeptical. Apat fom that, she often puts fowad he ideas upon questions and exchanges all of he innovate ideas with me afte class.

  Upon ending of Geneal Biology couse, I asked my students to wite an essay upon thei undestanding of biology. I discoveed Miss Zhang’s essay was so impessive and pesuasive; he caeful essay comes fom dozens of efeences to Biology liteatues. In essay Miss Zhang stetched out he ceative thinking upon status quo of biological eseach and banches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to he ceative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clea undestanding about Geneal Biology, that compehension has been eflected fully in he essay. Theefoe Miss Zhang got a full point fo he essay in he class, and othe students took it as model essay fo ganted.

  I believe Miss Zhang’s industiousness, passion and dedication will make he an ideal candidate you ae seeking fo you pogam, so I highly ecommend he without any hesitation to you. And I will geatly appeciate it if you could accept he into you pogam.

  Sinceely yous,

  Pof. ×××


  At the equest of M. Xizhen Chen, my fome student in the Depatment of Compute Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to wite this lette funishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude fo you efeence. M. Chen is inteested in you gaduate pogam in Compute Science.

  I came to know him in Septembe 1987 when M. Chen enolled in my class on FOTAN IV Pogamming, a thee semestes' couse. In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semeste final he eaned a high gade of 81, which should be "A" accoding to ou gading system. I also found him good at othe studies.

  Afte the class, he had pesonal talks with me seveal times. He indicated a geat inteest in compute hadwae, In my opinion, M. Chen has a potential in Compute Science, which can be futhe developed.

  In view of his pevious achievements in this College, I am fimly convinced that M. Chen will make a successful gaduate student. You favoable consideation of his admission will be highly appeciated.


  Dea Si:

  It is my pleasue to ecommend M. Fuping Wang fo his application to gaduate studies in you school. M. Wang has been my eseach assistant of the National Science Council's poject- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Cisis: The ole of U.S. Congess" since Septembe 1997.

  His majo esponsibilities include infomation collecting, analyzing and tanslating. He is an enthusiastic and pogessive young man with extemely high potentiality. M. Wang is not only quick at leaning and good at solving difficult poblems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the wok handed to him was completed satisfactoily. Actually, he is so eliable that I assign him with heavy esponsibilities.

  With his help, I have been able to spend moe time in witing the eseach pape. I eally conside myself vey fotunate to have such a capable assistant. I am cetain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant pesonality, will assue him of academic achievements in his futue academic pusuits. I stongly ecommend his admission without any esevation.


  [name steet city state zip code]

  [phone # fax phone # email addess]

  [date today月日年]

  to whom it may concen:

  it is my geat pleasue to ecommend miss ziyi zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students in ou depatment.

  miss zhang began attending my english classes in the depatment of infomation science school at oxfod univesity in 1997 and gaduated in sping of 20xx. though it has been ove six yeas since i last saw he, the deep impession she made on me has not faded in the least. she is vey intelligent, honest, ceative, aticulate, adaptive peson. he high academic achievement speaks fo itself: she consistently scoed in the top 5% in class.










