Information Technology
Author: X. Zhong Page 4
Major Project Details
Project: SharePoint Web Parts
To enhance user experience with the SharePoint Portal site, new SharePoint web
parts were created to notify users of their status of the most frequently used
applications. Users can add these web parts to personalized dashboard in My Site
as needed.
Before these web parts, there is no central location for employees to access the
information regarding to their work. Instead, there are many web applications at
NACOO keeping track of work requests and projects, and people receive notification
e-mails in their Outlook inbox whenever a job is assigned to them. It is common for
an employee to open four and more applications first thing in the morning each day
to track all their projects.
When the company decided to deploy SharePoint
portal to host all their web sites,
the software came with the “My Site” functionality. When each employee log on,
SharePoint portal site will generate a personal home page called My Site for the
user. On this page, the users can choose to put information only concerning them,
such as sites they frequently go to, co
mpany and department news regarding their
work, and even local weather at their facilitie
s. They achieve this by simply dragging
and dropping different pre-made web parts onto their My Site. The idea is to have a
one stop location for employees to get all information they need, save their time and
free up their mail box. We further this notion by creating inbox web parts for the key
job query applications on site, so user can put the ones they use onto their page to
help them plan their work better. This project was quiet difficult because we just
decided to incorporate SharePoint Portal, and the entire IT staff were still learning
the functionalities of the application. Since this application is still new, there wasn’t
much information on how to develop and create customized application against it.