
英文簡歷 Police Officer

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英文簡歷 Police Officer


A highly talented Police officer with huge experience in performing avariety of full performance technical law enforcement duties related toenforcing the laws, maintaining the peace, and protecting the citizensof New York City.

英文簡歷 Police Officer

Summary of Qualifications

More than eight years experience.
Considerable knowledge of New York City and its streetsystems; modern law enforcement principles, procedures, techniques andequipment
Exceptional knowledge of applicable Federal, State, County,and City laws and ordinances and departmental rules and regulations.
Excellent working knowledge of hazardous wasteclassifications and emergency procedures related to control,containment and confinement; principles of law enforcementadministration; investigative procedures and practices; legalliabilities associated with arrest and law enforcement; court roomprocedures and laws of evidence.
Uncommon skills in the use of firearms, the operation ofpolice vehicles and other specialized equipment includingbreathalyzers, radar units, police batons and restraining devices;basic CPR, First Aid and emergency response driving.
Strong ability to react effectively in emergency and stresssituations; ability to exhibit imagination, initiative andproblem-solving capability in coping with a variety of law enforcementsituations.
Profound ability to operate a personal computer and various programs, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.
Sound ability to follow standard safety practices and procedures common to law enforcement work.
Remarkable ability to perform work requiring good physical condition.
Immense ability to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing.
Proven ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, other agencies and the public. .
Professional Experience

New York City Police Department, NY             1998 - Present
Police Officer (stationed to New York City University)
Patrolassigned areas to check building security, assist and back-up studentbuilding security personnel, and check for and remedy hazardous orpotential criminal situations.
Enforce vehicle operation and parking laws.
Direct traffic.
Answer calls involving fires, accidents, and various misdemeanors and felonies.
Make arrests and issues citations.
Gather preliminary information as responding officer oncriminal calls, prepares relevant reports to pass the informationgathered on to the assigned investigator, assist investigator in casepreparation and act as criminal investigator for the department asrequired.
Maintain surveillance on criminal suspects and unauthorized persons on campus.
Escort bank deposits in accordance with established University policies.
Escort prisoners and serve warrants.
Complete reports of arrests, accidents, interviews, and evidence of property received.
Attend training sessions.
Act as trainer of new personnel.
Assist in case preparation as required.
Testify in court.
New York City Police Department, NY                1997 - 1998

Probational Police Officer (stationed to New York City University)
Performedgeneral patrol duties; drove patrol car in an unspecified pattern andat varying speeds in order to increase police visibility, to discouragetraffic violations and other criminal activity, and to discover crimesin progress.
Observed doors and windows of banks and businessestablishments to ensure their security and to check for signs ofdamage and/or illegal entry.
Drove to and around areas of high crime incidence to look forcriminal and immoral activity, and to make presence known to preventcriminal activity.
Performed duties at the scene of a motor vehicle accident.
Summoned emergency equipment needed at an accident scene, in order to provide the necessary services as quickly as possible.
Protected accident scene from disturbance; removed (or assists in removing) dead or injured from wrecked vehicles.
Interviewed operators, occupants, and witnesses in order tohelp determine how, when, and why the accident occurred; completedaccident report forms.
Performed service calls; examined ill or injured persons andadministered the appropriate first aid treatment in order to preventfurther injury or loss of life.
Performed duties at the scene of a fight or domestic dispute.
Separated parties involved in a fight situation by physicallyintervening or escorting one party out of reach of the other, in orderto prevent injury to any of the parties involved; attempted to calmparties involved in a fight situation in order to gain control of thesituation.
Performed duties for control of emergency situation; securedthe scene of a crime or emergency by blocking off the area withbarricades, ropes, etc., and by standing guard, in order to preventdamage, loss, or injury.
Education and Professional Training

Valid motor vehicle operator's license issued by the State of New York

Community School, Tarrytown, NY
High School Diploma (1997)

【英文簡歷 Police Officer】相關(guān)文章:



ASSISTANT OFFICER(人事助理)英文簡歷11-07


English Resume:人事助理 ASSISTANT OFFICER12-02



