- 相關推薦
What made you choose nursing as a career? 你為什么做護士?
How has your training prepared you for anursing career? 你以前的護士訓練,你的學歷。
What interests you about working here? 你為什么申請我們這個地方?
Do you have any professional affiliations? 你有沒有參加什么和職業(yè)相關的組織?(比如美國心臟協(xié)會等等)
What do you do to keep current with medicalfindings and practices? 你如何在工作中保持自己的知識技能的更新?
How do you handle stress on the job? 在工作中,你如何應對面臨的壓力?
How would you deal with a doctor who wasrude? 你如何和態(tài)度非常惡略的醫(yī)生打交道?
How would you handle a patient whoconstantly complains about pain? 面對總是喊痛的病人,你怎么辦?
How would you handle a patient whocomplains about everything? 對于什么事情都抱怨的病人,你該怎么辦?
How would you handle a family who isdispleased with your patient's care? 如果病人家屬對你不滿意,你該怎么辦?
What do you find difficult about being anurse? 你覺得做一名護士困難嗎?
What do you find most rewarding about beinga nurse? 作為一名護士,你認為通過工作得到的回報或獎勵是什么?
What would you do if your replacementdidn't arrive? 如果接你班的下一個護士沒有按時來,你該怎么辦?
Would you become a doctor if you had theopportunity? 如果你有機會,你想成為醫(yī)生嗎?
Would you describe yourself as organized? 你是個有條理的人嗎?
Are you a self motivator? 你是個自己很有動力的人嗎?
Do you prefer to work alone, or as part ofa team? 你喜歡自己工作,還是在團隊里和別人一切工作?
Where do you see yourself in 3 years? 三年以后(或五年之后),你對自己怎么看?(講自己未來三五年的規(guī)劃等等)
How do you stand out from the otherapplicants?你和其他的競爭者比,有什么與眾不同?
What attracts you to this facility? To thisposition? What do you hope to get out of the experience?你為什么申請這個工作,為什么申請我們醫(yī)院?
How would you describe your ideal job? Yourideal work environment?你理想的工作環(huán)境是什么?
Why are you leaving your current position? 你為什么離開原來的工作?
What did you particularly like about yourlast position?你對上一份工作,有什么特別喜歡的地方。
What's your most important professionalachievement? 你的職業(yè)生涯中,最大的成就是什么?
Who are your career role models and why?誰是你職業(yè)生涯中的榜樣?為什么?
How do you set priorities in your work? 在工作中,你怎樣安排各種事情的優(yōu)先次序?
Do you have any time-management tricksother nurses could benefit from? 你有沒有什么別的同事可以學習借鑒的時間管理方面的小竅門?
What are the most important lessons you'velearned in your career? 你在你的職業(yè)生涯中學到的最重要的功課是什么?
How much supervision do you want or need? 你做事需要多大程度的監(jiān)管和督導?
What nursing publications do you subscribeto? 你有訂閱什么和護理相關的出版物嗎?
Have you attended any national conferences?If so, how did you benefit from the experience? 你有沒有參加過全國性的會議?有所收獲嗎?
Have you ever done any volunteer work? Ifso, what was it like? 你有沒有主動做過什么義工?
How do you keep up with the latestinformation in your field? 在你的領域,你如何讓自己得到最新的知識,信息?
What are your goals in terms of going backto school, becoming certified, taking on management responsibilities? 在以后的繼續(xù)教育,拿到更多的證書,及做醫(yī)院管理工作方面有什么打算嗎?
Can you give an example of a time you werea leader? 可以給個你做帶頭人的例子嗎?
Can you give some examples of your problem-solvingskills? 可以給我們一個例子,說明你的獨立解決問題的能力嗎?
What would you do if you were asked tofloat to a specialty area you weren't familiar with? 如果讓你臨時抽調到其他你不熟悉的科室工作,你會怎么想?
How do you handle delegation issues withunlicensed assistive personnel? 你如何把你的工作轉交給其他沒有執(zhí)照的人?(護工,護士助理,清潔工等人員)
How would your co-workers describe you? 你的同事如何形容你?
Have you ever been fired or asked toresign? 你被解雇過嗎?
What do you think are the most challengingaspects of meeting patients' needs? 面對病人的要求,對你來講最大的挑戰(zhàn)是什么?
How do you handle a request you disagreewith? 如果別人要求你做的事,你不同意或不樂意怎么辦?
What actions would you take in your firstmonth on the job? 在你工作的第一個月,你做了哪些事?
Can you give some examples of yourcreativity? 給我們一些展現(xiàn)你的創(chuàng)造力的例子?
Who is the most difficult person you'veever worked with and why? 誰是你最難共事的人?為什么?
What type of management style do you workwith best? 那一種管理風格你最喜歡?
Can you describe a time when you had tointervene for a patient, what you did, and why? What was the outcome? 給我們形如一個例子,你需要制止病人所做的事。你如何做的,結果是怎樣的?
How would you rate yourself in communicatingwith patients-and with families? 在和病人及家屬溝通方面你怎么評估你自己的?
Can you describe a situation in which youdealt with a difficult family member? 給我們一個例子你如何應對難搞的病人家屬?
How do you motivate patients? 你如何鼓勵你的病人,讓他們更有動力?
Can you describe a situation in which you thought that you were right and others were wrong-and what you did about it? 舉個例子,你認為你是對的,別人是錯的,你是怎么做的?
Can you describe a situation in which youwere supposed to work with a person you didn't like and how you handled it? 舉個例子,你要和你很討厭的人一起工作,你是怎么做的?
Would your previous employer recommend you?你以前的老板會推薦你嗎?
What would you do if you were caring for analert patient who suddenly got acutely confused and disoriented? 如果你的病人本來意識很清楚,突然變糊涂了,你該怎么辦?
What would you do if you found an elderlypatient on the floor in his room? How would you document it? 如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)一個年老病人倒在病房的地上,你該怎么做?你如果做記錄?
Have you worked with many foreign nurses?If so, what did you do to help them? 你有和外國的護士共事過嗎?你如何幫助他們?
How would you handle a situation in whichyou couldn't read a prescriber's orders? 你如果讀不懂醫(yī)生的醫(yī)囑,你該怎么辦?
What was your favorite clinical experience?Least favorite? Why?
What types of charting systems have youused? What do you like about them? What do you dislike? 你所用過的電子病歷系統(tǒng)是什么?對于這個病歷系統(tǒng),那些東西你喜歡。那些不喜歡?
What do you think is a reasonableorientation time? 你認為崗前培訓大概多長時間對你比較合適?
Are you on-line often? What are yourfavorite sites for reliable health care information? 你經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)嗎?那些是你比較喜歡的網(wǎng)站,你可以獲取可靠的醫(yī)療信息?