и ԇץסP(gun)I~Ѹҵc(din)ҿY(ji)и ԇĕr(sh)_^ͽY(ji)βĘ(bio)־~ϣ(du)
и _^Ҏ(gu)
̖(ho)~(ҽhÿҪе̖(ho)~x(g)ױ飬(qing)Լ @(g)~RϷ(yng)^(gu)(li)@пc(din))
Today, we’ll focus on/constrated/discuss….
Today, our topic is…
r(Ҳ(jng)F(xin))_^(hu)vһЩϴnvĖ|(f)(x)ּ֮҂@NrQ飺Miss start
ע⣺F(xin)Miss StartϴnvĖ|һҪ @ֺܿܳ(x)(ji)}
Miss Start ̖(ho)~Before we get started, let’s review what we’ve learned last class…
Let’s pick up where we left off last week, OK, as you recall(ӛ)…
Before we begin our discussion on…(̎鱾})Let’s review what we know about…(̎ϴ})
g_^ In your text book, the author says that… (}F(xin))I thought we all to/should take sometime to talk about it. (һȫһͲ)
и ӽY(ji)Z(y)пc(din)
и ĽY(ji)βF(xin)һЩY(ji)ϢԼһЩ漰c(din)ă(ni)ݣ(yng)ҕ
и ĽY(ji)βF(xin)һЩY(ji)ϢԼһЩ漰c(din)ă(ni)ݣ(yng)ҕ
To some up
To conclude/in conclusion
In summary/to summarize
From this, we can see that…