1) ʾSՈ;ʾ]аյƜy;may ھʾףԸ磺
May God bless you! Ըϵ۱!
He might be at home. ڼ
ע⣺might ʾƜyr(sh)ʾr(sh)B(ti)ֻǿԱmay С
2) Zmay/might as wellӲto IJʽ"".磺
If that is the case we may as well try.r_(sh)҂ԇһԇ
Peter ___come with us tonight but he isn't very sure yet.
A. mustB. may C. can D. will
B. ֻmay.˾ɏĺƳ
1)can/could ʾ; (^ȥr(sh)could) ֻڬF(xin)ʽ^ȥʽ(could)
be able toڸNr(sh)B(ti)磺They will be able to tell you the news soon. ܸܿVϢˡ
2)ֻbe able tor
a. λ~
b. B(ti)~
c. ʾ^ȥijr(sh)̄r(sh)
d. ھױʾl
e. ʾɹijr(sh)was/were able tocould.磺
He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out. = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.
—— Could I have the television on? ܿҕ?
—— Yes you can. / No you can't. /
He couldn't be a bad man. lj