1. An atom is a basic structural unit of matter the smallest particle of an element _________ into chemical combination.
A. that can enter
B. can it enter
C. when entering it can
D. that enters can
𰸣Athat(do)Zľelement~the smallest particle of an element a basic structural unit of mattereZͬλZ
2. Fog is common near ________ _ inland bodies of water and along coasts in temperate zones.
A. there are large
B. large
C. either large
D. where large
𰸣BAʹþгF(xin)ɂ^Z~goB~e;C(yng)ԓeither… or…Y(ji)(gu)Л]гF(xin)or;Dwhere(do)ľӲe
3. The portrayal of everyday life in the objects of folk art makes it _________ valuable source of history.
A. and a
B. so that a
C. a
D. is a
4. _______ by the United States government's Bureau of Labor Statistics the Consumer Price Index compares current costs of goods and services with past costs.
A. To prepare
B. As it prepared
C. When preparation
D. Prepared
𰸣Dɺ֪ӵ߉Z(yng)ԓConsumer Price Index ҿոbyԑ(yng)ԓñʽֻxD.
5. _________ carries the genes which determine the hereditary characteristics of the cell or organism.
A. The chromosome
B. The chromosome that
C. Whereas the chromosome
D. There is a chromosome
6. _________ directly with most metals to form compounds called carbides.
A. Carbon reacting
B. Carbon reacts
C. The reaction of carbon
D. When carbon reacts
𰸣Bľcalled@ﲻ^Z~Ƿ~öZ…… which are called carbides.ոȱZ^ZxB.
7. Meteorites are slowed down by Earth's atmosphere but if they are moving _________ they can form a crater on impact.
A. enough fast
B. fast enough
C. so fast enough
D enough are fast
8. Located at the upper end of each________ an adrenal gland an integral part of the endocrine system.
A. kidney which is
B. kidney is
C. kidney being
D. kidney
ԓ麆ξʹ˵bʽԭ飺An adrenal gland an integral part of the endocrine system is located at the upper end of each kidney.
9. About 75 percent of all cadmium is used for cadmium plating of _________ such as iron and steel.
A. easily corroded metals
B. metals are easily corroded
C. corroded metals that easily
D. how easily metals corroded
10. Bubbles flaws and other irregularities diffuse the light that passes through stained glass _________ the glass sparkle.
A. which making
B. and making
C. making
D. to making
𰸣CոǰľӽY(ji)(gu)@ķ~ZAwhich(do)ԶZľПo^Ze;BandB~andľӲ]^Ze;DeʽĽY(ji)(gu)(yng)ԓto do.
gģѼyIJҎ(gu)tʹ⾀^ܓpIJrl(f)ɢ_ʹò|?BR>a(b)䣺 stained glassָõIJɫ