1. …would/should have done(~^ȥ~)…+if…
2. …may/might have done…(~^ȥ~)…+if…
3. …could have done…(~^ȥ~)…+if…
As a final point both the reading and lecture mention that Neanderthals had developed muscles in their stomach To argue against the reading’s assertion that these muscles helped Neanderthals to speak, the lecturer argues that these muscles could have been used for other purposes. Instead, she states that perhaps the muscles helped them to travel farther or climb mountains easier.
vڌᰲǷfԒ@һՓoԼҊxе^c(din)vdzl(f)_(d)ԿԎfԒ;څsָ@ЩÁǎvԒģ鮔(dng)rĭh(hun)^(yn)Ҫ@Щl(f)_(d)ĸɽh(yun) нՄ@^c(din)rZҲһNyĿǣ҂ڌ@ĕrͿʹ̓MZ愝@Zں˼һ“”x̓MZ˱ZB(ti)ҲS@fЩ߀ǟoȫw̓MZ“(qing)”֮̎҂@طijɳҎ(gu)ľӱ^һ¾ͿԿ@IJe“…these muscles had been used for…”, ֮^ȥɕrʾ“϶ѽ(jng)˸”@һ˼ȫͽvе˼һԱ_(d)Ͳ(zhn)_Ҫ@ø߷ֵĿ@(x)(ji)һҪeע⡣
The next point brought up is that deforestation by the Dutch destroyed the dodos’ natural habitats. However, the professor first claims that deforestation did not cover the entire island nor did it kill many other bird species. He next declares that dodos did not nest in trees, so their disappearance should not have bothered the dodo.
Finally, in contrast to the reading’s argument that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos, the professor says the dodo population may already have been decliningbefore the Dutch arrived.
The reading says that Marco Polo’s name was never recorded by any contemporary Chinese; however, the professor counters by arguing that he might have used a different name or was not considered very important by the Chinese and was therefore omitted from their book.