1.Original:Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and helpyou to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be kind.
Revised:Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience andhelp you to understand other people’s feelings andlearn to be considerate.
2. Original:Science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society ischanging very rapidly.
Revised:Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as aresult, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.
greatlyrapidlyڳ~ʾ̶ȸߡٶȿ@ӵ~ڱ_Чϲwȱfĺľpervade every aspect of our lives;wӵرF(xin)ƼӰжӰѝB҂ķat a speed which is quite unprecedented“һNǰδеٶ”ص׃ٶ֮
3.Original: Young people tend to think that real life is as nice and interestingas it is in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults think thiskind of naive daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and everyone should learn to get used to common everyday life.
Revised:Young people tend to think that real life is as dramatic and fascinating as itis in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults think this kind ofnaive daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and every one shouldlearn to get used to tedious everyday life.
4.Original: You should compete to live in this society.
Revised:You should compete for survival; otherwise, you will be thrown out of the tideof society.
ԭƽƽֻǸV˂Ҫ횸@һ了εĄƺȱfĺľcompete for survivalҺһз־afcompeteĺbe thrown out of the tide ofsociety˳̭ʹ@ЩӾw̵~R܉ӵرF(xin)đK
5.Original:I really believe that smoking is harmful to people’s health.
Revised:I have a profound conviction that smoking is harmful to people’s health.
conviction˼“ԶĿ”have a profound conclusionʾijNŲ^cľhave a profound conclusionbelieveB(ti)ȸԛQrbelieve@~dzӢZW߾͑(yng)յ~RQhave aprofound conclusion˾ӵď(f)s̶wF(xin)^Z\Ƶ^cı_߀У
Ihold a point of view that…
Ihold the opinion that…
6.Original:We know that sometimes success is measured by how much money you earn.
Revised:It does not surprise us to discover that sometimes success is measured in termsof the money you earn.
ϾbelieveһӣknowҲǷdz~RгF(xin)I believe that…I know that…@ӵı_ֻwF(xin)ɵۣIt does not surprise us to discover that…QWeknow that…]и׃ԭĺxsʹȫDrc
7.Original: We all know that most factories would be of no use ifthere were not clean water supply.
Revised:It goes without saying that most factories would be of no use if there were notclean water supply.
ͬһӣknow@ӵij~R(yng)ʹIt goes without sayingthat…һ̶Y(ji)(gu)˼“……DzԶ”Á(jng)(j)һM˽֪ĵƵı_߀У
Anold saying goes that…
Proverbgoes that…
Itis universally acknowledged that…
Itis generally accepted that…
8.Original:Some other people think that people should read extensively.
Revised:Another position says that people should read extensively.
ͬknowbelieveһthinkҲ(yng)ԓMʹãĺľAnother position says that…thinkһN^cҲhold a point of viewhold the opinion@ӵĶZQ
9.Original:The unexpected win of the match give us confidence.
Revised:The unexpected win of the match boost our confidence.
giveҲӢZ~Rֻʾ“oo”@漰|(zh)͠B(ti)ʾʿ⣬^صfboost confidence/morale磺The change ofmanagement has boosted morale throughout the company. ģʽĸ׃ʹ˾ʿⱶܹ衣
10.Original:The use of drugs has increased greatly in the last ten years.
Revised:The use of drugs has increased significantly in the last ten years.