
и }

rg2020-12-12 10:02:01 иԇ ҪͶ

2017и }

и һyӑ׌oκΣyjbysС?gu)?017и }gӭxcW!

2017и }


1_^ 磺“Todaywe are going totalk about/ focus on/ discuss…”@Ƿdz͵_^Ҳּ}ij}̎ҪעЕrώᵽLast time we learned…vһһĽ(jng)ȵȣ@Щbackground informationǞҪnc}

2~؄eСڰе~ώnLJ@һ߶I(y)~O(sh)߬F(xin)һҪעώᵽ~~Ľጣ磺“What I mean is… all that meansis… …which is/that is… …is… in other words…  …is referred as… …is named/know/called… namely…”

3eϢһ֎ׂՓCcMՓC磺“The firstThe secondOne, anotheron onehand, on the other handand theneventuallyalso”؄eҪעС3 Ĕ(sh)~ “There are three/ two features…” ܿܕжx(ji)}

4еe ؄eώԔv 磺“for examplesuch asfor instancein this casein another caseon this occasionin this situationtake the case ofto demonstrateto illustratesaylike“ ؄eʾӵľwUҪҪ@Ҫfʲôʲôf@ӳF(xin)ĵطܿܕнM}Ŀ

5a(chn)ԭ򼰽Y(ji)ʾP(gun)ϵ߉݋B~ԓP(gun)ע磺“reasonscauses ofled toas a result ofbecause attributed tothat is why…

6^͌ȵϢעеı^߼෴Լȵă(ni)磺 “insteadrather thanon the contraryin contrastby comparisoncompare to…unlikesimilar toin contrast todifferentlyalikeresembleone the one hand, on the other handlikewisein the same way, the same…”

7ώnď{(dio)~Ὠh“remember,make sureyou should/ need/ must, keep in mind”important Ox~keyע.؄eϲgᵽinteresting …,  interesting…ٷ֮ʮпc

8ԼD(zhun)ϢעǰY ~never, rarely, barely ,few, little  Լ… not, don’t, aren’t, isn’t ȣ t ot ʧȥǧfҪt ДǷϢעnԼfԒ˵ıͣDD(zhun)B~ “buthoweverneverthelessnonethelesswhile yetunluckilyunfortunatelyactuallyto tell you the truthto be frank/honest as a matter of fact”Ҳǿc


Ӱ푾P(gun)IϢ錍~~~Լ~F(xin)ڴҹJrҪõ^и֔(sh)~Rܵ8000䌍PJ~ȫӛסʴ_˼؄eA(ch)ČWg(sh)~RԼl~(4000 ~)ͬrm?sh)ձWg(sh)֪Rƒ(ni)ݽ^ڄ~~P߽hھȥӛԾӵʽӛ~Rͨ^xTPO е ԼxW֪R~Rķʽȥӛ~ԾӞλ@Ӳӛס~R xõߣÓڶƯľڌͿZҲ@Ҋġ

2017и }P(gun)£

и }ԭtͽ}˼·08-26

2017и }ԭt08-20

2017и ~R08-25

2017и ߷P(gun)I08-16

2017и Zx08-15

и }͵Ľ}08-21

и }·c}ԭtЩ08-27

2017и ԇ׃08-28

2017и ԇ~R08-25

2017и ȫ08-21