

發(fā)布時間:2017-07-17 編輯:younian

  1, Each question in the Listening module is worth one mark。

  2, For questions where the answers are letters or numbers, you should write ONLY the number of answers required. For example, if the answer is a single letter or number, you should write only one answer. If you have written more letters or numerals than are required, the answer must be marked wrong。

  3, Answers maybe written in upper or lower case。

  4, Words in brackets are OPTIONAL-they are correct, but not necessary。

  5, Alternative answers are separated by a single slash。

  6, If you are asked to write an answer using a certain number of words and/or (a) number(s), you will be penalized if you exceed this. For example, if a question specifies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the correct answer is “black leather coat”, the answer of “coat of black leather” is incorrect。

  7, In questions where you are expected to complete a gap, you should transfer only the necessary missing word(s) onto the answer sheet. For example, to complete “in the …”, and the correct answer is “morning”, the answer “in the morning” would be incorrect。

  8, All answers require correct spelling (including words in brackets)。

  9, Both US and UK spellings are acceptable。

  10, All standard alternatives for numbers, dates and currencies are acceptable。

  11, All standard abbreviations are acceptable。


  1. 流利度。這是最首要的,需要大家在雅思考試中說話時不要總是中斷,嗯嗯啊啊的。這也是一個語言熟練度和思維的問題。如果你一句話說得很熟,就不會出現(xiàn)打梗;如果你思維開闊,就不會上句接不了下句。這需要大家以句子為單位操練(非單詞),同時看大量的英文材料擴展講話素材。

  2. 語音和語調(diào)。很多人發(fā)音不好似乎是先天的,且與當?shù)氐目谝粲嘘P(guān)系。如果你普通話都講不好,在雅思口語考試時發(fā)音也很難標準。語調(diào)方面,注意英語升降調(diào)的規(guī)律,說話盡量有升有降,抑揚頓挫,不要全部一個調(diào)調(diào),聽起來像機器人。在雅思口語準備過程中發(fā)音的訓練靠多聽多模仿,這方面的資源很多,不再贅述。

  3. 詞匯豐富度。這方面不需要過分夸大口語和書面語詞匯的區(qū)別。但是雅思口語方面的詞匯還是應該盡量積累的,尤其是習語和動詞短語(不要告訴我你不知道是什么)。見過雅思的三個不同考官的經(jīng)驗告訴我,口語考試中,如果你能時常蹦出一個比較“高檔”的詞匯(如專屬詞匯),會比較能引起雅思考官的注意。(他/會抬頭或者和你eye contact,當然這因人而異)

  4. 句法。雅思口語不需要講很多復雜的句子,但是不是說你全部都講簡單句。我覺得最好用的就是定語從句,不容易犯錯。虛擬語氣可以用一下,當然這些都不是硬性規(guī)定的。最主要的還是你的意思是否表達的很清晰。

  另外,雅思口語算得上是一個interview,這就要求語言方面要稍微正式一點。很多人喜歡背俚語什么的,以為俚語講多了就地道了,有老師認為一個英語非母語者講太多俚語會很奇怪,而且會顯得不正式。 這根據(jù)同學們自我程度決定
