In my three decades as a graduate admissions dean and counselor, I found many students struggling to succeed and often distraught over their graduate school choices. In almost every case, the cause of their dissatisfaction began before they even applied. Based on interactions with those students, I realized that if they had only asked themselves a few simple questions before applying, they would have never lamented their decision。
在擔任研究生招生辦主任和顧問的三十年里,我發(fā)現許多學生在研究生院選擇問題上很下功夫,但還常常是焦頭爛額。在幾乎所有案例中, 他們不滿意的原因甚至都可以追溯到申請學校之前。通過與這些學生交流,我意識到如果在申請之前自問幾個簡單問題,他們就不會后悔自己當初的選擇了。
To help make a decision, ask yourself these questions, write down your answers, and be as honest as possible:
1. Why do I want to go to grad school?
The reason you want to earn a graduate or professional degree is as important as the school and program you choose. Consider these factors and put them in order of importance。
To learn more
To increase my earning potential
Because of pressure from my family
To add a credential to my résumé
To have a better chance of being promoted
To have more credibility in my chosen field
To change careers
Because I need to feel better about myself
Because I don't know what else to do
2. Why do I want to do this now?
Like your reasons to go to grad school, timing is very important. Before you invest in your time—and the application fees—be sure you are ready to go. Consider these statements and, again, put them in order of relevance。
Because I am mentally and emotionally ready for a new challenge
Because I am ready financially
Because my employer is encouraging me to do so, and might assist with the cost
Because I am not getting any younger
Because it is a logical next step for me professionally
Because I have the time now to commit and it may be a limited window
3. What type of academic or professional degree am I seeking?
You need to weigh and consider a variety of motivations, including those that are based solely on current personal and professional realities, to determine what program you should pursue. But please don't choose your degree path on what you "think" you need。
Instead, start with knowing your passion—what excites you and makes you want to get up every morning. Turning what really motivates and enthralls you into a career path, due in part to your graduate and professional school study and degree, will give you a broader and more fulfilling career and life experience。
4. In what geographic region do I want to study?
Perhaps you have always wanted to live in another part of the country or go abroad for graduate study. Knowing where you'd like to be will help guide your search, but be careful not to rule out certain locations completely in the early stages. During the search process, you may find an option emerge that is worth examining further。
可能你一直希望能在家鄉(xiāng)以外的什么地方或在國外完成研究生學習。了解你的地區(qū)喜好將有助于你做出選擇,但是,不要從一開始就完全排除掉某些地區(qū)。在選擇過程中, 你可能會突然發(fā)現一個值得做進一步考查的選項。
Most graduate programs throughout the world instruct in English, so language should not be a barrier in exploring international options。
5. What type of learning and student experience am I seeking?
Do you have a preference of studying at a more research-oriented institution? Do you prefer a public or private university? Remember, you're going to spend a lot of time at the school you choose, so take the time to consider the campus environment and culture to make sure it's the right fit。
Do you want an environment where faculty and students have an interactive learning approach? Are you more interested in a lecture style? Do you want to have a lot of social interaction with fellow students outside the classroom? Are you going to focus primarily on your coursework?
6. Will significant others, a spouse, or children impact my plans?
Your partner and/or children add a significant, and often complicated, dimension to your graduate study decisions. All are impacted by the experience. Adjustments will need to be discussed, anticipated, and managed. By including those closest to you, you will reap huge dividends when the inevitable rough spots emerge along the journey。
7. Should I consider a full-time or part-time program?
There are pros and cons to both, and you need to consider carefully what's best based on your situation and motivations. Going full time usually means finishing more quickly, but also likely means a change in employment status, income, and partner/family dynamics. As for the student experience, full-time students tend to develop stronger social networks, which translate into continued personal and professional relationships after graduation。