- 能源專業(yè)英文簡歷 推薦度:
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能源專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生如何寫出一份精彩的英文簡歷來呢?以下就為大家提供了一份非常不錯的英文簡歷模板,歡迎大家瀏覽。SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:
Structural design and construction of nuclear facilities at DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Analysis and design of special equipment and facilities for recovery of spent nuclear fuel elements at DOE Hanford Site.
Structural design of Pit 9 recovery building for DOE Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory.
Structural/seismic design of diesel generator building for upgrade of process canyons at DOE Savannah River Site.
Experienced and knowledgeable of code requirements and standards for steel, concrete and masonry structures.
Practice as a professional engineer with an organization that offers challenging projects to work on, provides a climate of fairness for employees and pays a fair wage.
For each of the following assignments I served as the licensed Engineer of Record.
Neutron Tube Target Loading Project, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1995-1997
Designed and supervised design and drafting for new tritium facility including reinforced masonry shear wall building, modification and upgrade of an existing reinforced concrete building and foundation for a new steel building.
Conducted seismic lateral load analysis for entire facility.
Wrote design criteria and prepared construction specifications and drawings.
Developed structural test and inspection plans and integrated structural design with electrical, mechanical and architectural disciplines.
Reviewed and approved vendor submittals, managed construction documents, supported change control process and prepared as-built project records.
K-Basin Spent Nuclear Fuel Project, Hanford Site, 1997-1998
Conducted structural analysis and design for the Cold Vacuum Drying System and the Hot Conditioning Facility.