

時間:2024-08-18 05:36:00 英語閱讀 我要投稿
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  You’ve had a problem, you’ve thought about it till you were tired,forgotten it and perhaps slept on it, and then flash!When you weren’t thinking about it suddenly the answer has come to you, as a gift from thegods.

  Of course all ideas don’t come like that, but the interesting thing is that so many do,particularly the most important ones.They burst into the mind, glowing with the heat of creation. How they do it is a mystery.Psychology does not yet understand even the ordinary processes of conscious thought,but the emergence ofnew ideas by a “l(fā)eap in thought” is particularly intriguing,because they must have come from somewhere.For the moment let us assume that they come from the “unconscious”.This is reasonable, for the psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the subject,and creative thought consists precisely in what was unknown becoming known.

  It seems that all truly creative activity depends in some degree on these signals from the unconscious,andthe more highly intuitive the person, the sharper and more dramatic the signals become.

  But growth requires a seed,and the heart of the creative process lies in the production of the original fertile nucleus from which growth can proceed.This initial step in all creation consists in the establishment of a new unity from disparate elements, oforder out of disorder, of shape from what was formless. The mind achieves this by the plastic reshaping, so as to form a new unit, of a selection of the separate elements derived from experience and stored in memory. Intuitions arise from richly unified experience.

  This process of the establishment of new form must occur in pattern of nervous activity in the brain, lying below the threshold of consciousness, which interact and combine to form more comprehensive patterns. Experimental physiology has not yet identified this process, for its methods are as yet insufficiently refined,but it may be significant that a quarter of the total bodily consumption of energy during sleep goes tothe brain, even when the sense organs are at rest, to maintain the activity of ten million brain cells. These cells, acting together as a single organ, achieve the miracle of the production of new patterns of thought.No calculating machine can do that, for such machines can “only do what we know how to design them to do”, and these formative brain processes obey laws which are still unknown.

  Can any practical conclusions be drawn from the experience of genius? Is there an art of thought for the ordinary person? Certainly there is no single road to success; in the world of the imagination each has to find his own way to use his own gift.


  當然,并非所有的妙想都是這樣得來,可有趣的是,許多想 法,特別是那些至關重要的想法都是這樣產生的。它們倏忽之 間闖入腦海,散發(fā)著獨創(chuàng)的光熱。它們的形成過程是一個謎。 心理學迄今甚至連普通的有意識思維過程都沒有研究清楚,但 是依靠"思想的火花”產生創(chuàng)見的現象還是讓人特別感興趣,因 為這種創(chuàng)見必定有個出處。我們暫且假定它們來自于“潛意 識"。這也是有道理的,因為心理學家們利用這個術語來描述對 于未知研究對象的心理過程,而創(chuàng)造性思維正是在于認清未曾 認識到的東西。

  在某種程度上,所有真正的創(chuàng)造性活動似乎都取決于這些 來自潛意識的信號,并且,一個人的直覺愈加強烈,這些信號就愈加鮮明,愈加富有戲劇性。

  可是萌芽生長需要種子,而創(chuàng)造過程的核心也在于形成最 初的豐實的胚胎,使成長得以進行。所有創(chuàng)造的第一步,均在于 把沒有聯系的因素重新結合,將無序變成有序,將無形變成有 形。要做到這一點,大腦就要選擇從經驗中得到的或者存儲于 記憶之中的互無關聯的因素,并加以整理重塑,以形成新的統(tǒng)一 體。直覺來源于豐富的系統(tǒng)化的經驗。

  這種新形式的形成過程只能出現在大腦神經活動模式之中,處子意識范圍的開端,相互作用又相互融合,而形成更加復 雜的模式。實驗生理學還無法識別這一過程,原因是其實驗方法仍不夠完善?苫蛟S值得注意的是,人在睡眠的時候,盡管感 覺器官處于休息狀態(tài),但是所有體能消耗的四分之一卻用于大 腦,以維持其上百億個腦細胞的活動。這些共同運作的腦細胞 創(chuàng)造了產生思維新模式的奇跡。計算機不能做到這一點,因為它們“只能按照我們的設計力所能及的方式運行”,而那些具有建構能力的大腦活動過程遵循的卻是我們所未知的規(guī)律。

  從天才們的經驗中,我們能得到任何實際的結論嗎?有沒有適用于普通人的思維藝術?成功之路不止一條。在一個提倡 想像力的世界中,每個人都要找到發(fā)揮自己天分的道路。


  Most Americans have great vigor and enthusiasm.They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.They pride themselves on their independence, their right to make up their own minds.They are prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. They have courage and do not give in easily.They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed.They do not care to be looked after by the government.The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.

  Americans have a warmth and friendliness which is less superficial than many foreigners think.They are considered sentimental. When on ceremonial occasions they see a flag,or attend parades celebrating America’ glorious past, tears may come to their eyes.Reunions with family and friends tend to be emotional, too.They like to dress correctly, even if “correctly” means flamboyantly.They love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek.They can laugh at themselves and their country, and they can be very self-critical,while remaining always intensely patriotic. They have a wide knowledge of everyday things,and a keen interest in their particular city and state. Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that they have little interest inor knowledge of the outside world.

  The Americans have a passion for grandeur. Their skyscrapers, bridges and dams often have a splendor whichmatches in beauty and scale the country’s natural wonders.Is the sole aim of most Americans to make moneyand possess luxuries which could be called excessive?The majority of Americans would certainly deny this,though most feel proud to amass wealth and possessions through hard work.In the USA, about 90% of the population is well enough off to expect a brighter future. The USA still has one of the highest standards of living in the world, although,at the present time, 10% are below what the Government considers to be the “poverty line.”While these underprivileged people receive help from the Government,they have no high hopes for their future.It is from this “underclass,”and those who take advantage of it, that most of the violence springs,which is one of the least pleasant aspects of American society.Americans are beginning to realize that this terrible problem of poverty is their problem and not just the Government’s.It has been saidthat the individual American is generous, but that the American nation is hard.

  The USA is reputed to be a classless society.There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company.This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools.Americans are far more race-conscious than they are class-conscious.

  大多數的美國人精力充沛,熱情高漲。他們寧愿自律,而不愿受制于人。他們?yōu)槟塥毩⑿惺、為有權做出自己的決定 而感到自豪。他們做事會采取主動,即使這樣做要冒風險,也在所不惜。他們有勇氣,不會輕易屈服。他們愿意到任何地方干任何工作,也不愿意失業(yè)。他們不想得到政府的照顧。普通美國人一生中換九到十次工作。

  笑國人熱情友好,其友好程度要比許多外國人所想的更真實一些。人們認為美國人易動感情。在典禮上看到國旗,或者參加慶祝美國光榮歷史的游行時,美國人可能會熱淚盈眶。與家人團圓或與朋友相聚時,他們也會十分激動。他們喜歡穿著得體,即使"得體”無異子奢華炫耀。他們喜歡自吹自擂,盡管多數情況下只不過是說說而已。他們有時會嘲笑自己、嘲笑自 己的國家,有時候甚至極為自責,然而他們始終有著強烈的愛國之心。他們對曰常事情所知甚廣,對自己所在的城市和州深為關切。然而,有時候外國人卻抱怨說,美國人對外部世界漠不關心,一無所知。

  美國人酷愛豪華的氣派。他們的庳天大樓、橋梁和水壩往往氣勢壯觀,與美國的自然奇觀之壯美和恢宏相得益彰。賺錢和擁有稱得上過多的奢侈品,是不是大多數美國人惟一的目標?多數美國人肯定會予以否認,雖然他們對通過辛勘勞動積撗錢財引以為豪。在美國,90%左右的人們生話寓足,可以期盼更美好的未來。美國的生活水平世界上依然名列前茅,盡管現在還有10%左右的人處在政府認為的貧困線”以下。這些生活水平低下的人們雖然得到政府的救助,但是他們對未來不抱多大希望。正是這個“社會下層階級”以及利用這個階層的人引發(fā)了社會上的大多數動亂,使之成為美國社會中最令人不快的一面。美國人開始意識到,這個非常嚴重的問題是他們自身的問 題,而不僅僅是政府的問題。有這樣的說法:美國入作為個人是慊慨的,但美國作為一個民族則是吝嗇的。










