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China's two major stock exchanges will lower transaction fees by around 30 percent after a continued slump in the country's stock market.
“僵尸肉”(zombie meat / longexpired frozen meat products)指冰凍多年銷往市場的凍肉,多為來自美國和歐洲國家的私運品,最終流向二三線城市的小餐館、sidewalk snack booths。常見的私運路徑是,smugglers從境外以低價采購凍品并用refrigerated containers發(fā)至香港,之后再發(fā)往越南。在中越border areas芒街等地拆解后,再雇人以“螞蟻搬家”的方式將凍品運到境內(nèi)。
為了牟利,境內(nèi)外collude with their associates,從offering supplies、smuggling、transportation、storage、manufacturing和銷售等環(huán)節(jié)打造“一條龍”服務,form a complete and secret supply chain。
1、sidewalk snack booths
4、refrigerated containers
5、border areas
6、collude with their associates
7、offering supplies、smuggling、transportation、storage、manufacturing
8、form a complete and secret supply chain
9、China's two major stock exchanges will lower transaction fees by around 30 percent after a continued slump in the country's stock market.
1、sidewalk snack booths 路邊攤
2、smugglers 私運人員
3、以低價采購凍品 purchase the frozen meat for very low prices
4、refrigerated containers 冷藏集裝箱
5、border areas 邊境
6、collude with their associates 相關人員互相勾結(jié)
7、offering supplies、smuggling、transportation、storage、manufacturing 供貨、私運、運輸、儲藏、加工
8、form a complete and secret supply chain 形成完整隱蔽的供應鏈
9、China's two major stock exchanges will lower transaction fees by around 30 percent after a continued slump in the country's stock market.據(jù)媒體報道,海關總署官員近日查扣10萬余噸“僵尸肉”,即凍雞翅、凍牛肉等早已過的冷凍肉產(chǎn)品,總價值逾30億元人民幣。其中部分肉冷凍超過40年。
Shanghai has called off the color run and other running events that use colorful powders, in the wake of a tragic dust explosion that killed one and injured more than 500 people at a party in Taiwan's New Taipei city, on June 27.
“彩色跑”的靈感來自迪士尼的彩色世界、graffiti party、mud run,以及西紅柿大賽在內(nèi)的世界各地的節(jié)慶,旨在宣傳健康、快樂、大眾參與的跑步理念,被稱為地球上最歡樂的5公里。
日前,臺灣發(fā)生dust explosion,彩色跑所使用的玉米粉,對人無害,但其屬于explosive mixture,達到一定條件后易引起爆炸。安全的做法是盡量將玉米粉噴灑在人身上。
兩年前,“彩色跑”被引進至中國,spray colorful powders的類似賽事遍地開花,但此類賽事的安全管理并不完善。因此專家指出,主辦方應對粉塵易燃的潛在危害有足夠的風控預估,做好相關措施。
1、graffiti party
2、mud run
3、dust explosion
4、spray colorful powders
5、explosive mixture
7、Shanghai has called off the color run and other running events that use colorful powders, in the wake of a tragic dust explosion that killed one and injured more than 500 people at a party in Taiwan's New Taipei city, on June 27.
1、graffiti party 涂鴉派對
2、mud run 泥漿路跑
3、dust explosion 粉塵爆炸
4、spray colorful powders 噴撒彩粉
5、explosive mixture 爆炸性混合物
6、安全管理 security management
7、Shanghai has called off the color run and other running events that use colorful powders, in the wake of a tragic dust explosion that killed one and injured more than 500 people at a party in Taiwan's New Taipei city, on June 27.6月27日臺灣新北市“彩虹趴”發(fā)生粉塵爆炸,造成1人死亡,500余人受傷。之后,上海叫停了“彩色跑”以及其它使用彩色粉末的跑步比賽。