- 相關(guān)推薦
youth is a preciou s gif t and a golden time in our life . when we ar e young , we ar e strong and healthy . it is the time for us to prepar e ourselves to become responsible citizens .
youth comes only once in a lifetime, the refore , it is impor tant that we should not waste those years in idlenes s and bad living . t his is also the time when our memories ar e best . we are able to learn more during this time than when we become older . during our younger years , we have the enth usiasm to set high goals for ourselves . we also t ry to overcome obstacles which ar e placed in our way .
if we r ealize how preciou s youth is , we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when we a re olde r . if we waste our youth , we will s pend the rest of our lives wis hing we could be young again .
·youth — a pr ecious gift and a golden time
· youth — only once in a lifetime
· youth — to be t reasur ed not wasted
本文是一篇議論文, 文字簡單明了, 簡單句較多, 全文三段均圍繞“ 青年時期”這一主題展開。
love and learning愛情與學(xué)習(xí)
towards love and lea rning , college teachers and students hold controversial views .
the majority of college teachers , especially old teachers , a rgue that students s hould give up love and concent rate on learning . they say that campu s love is time- and-energy-consuming and t ea rs students away f rom their main task . i f a student ever falls in love, he/ she will undoubtedly neglect his/ her studies and gradually lag behind his/ her classmates . a few teachers , therefor e, suggest that the univer sity authorities restore the tr aditional r egulation again st love during students’ school yea rs .
on the cont ra ry , students hold that it is natural for young people to fall in love on the campus because they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towards each other . t hey in sist that the campus is not the ga rden of eden and love is not the forbidden tree . they take for example some of their f riends who, falling in love , ar e studying harder and have made greater progress to please their boy/ girl friends .
in my opinion , both views a re lop-sided . if a student does not give himself/ herself away in love but takes it as a drive , love produces positive effect . but if he/ she indulges himself/ herself too deeply in love, then he/ she will be a devoted lover but a f rustr ated learne r .
·int roduction
* two differ ent views
· teache rs’argue
* campus love — time and energy con suming
* campus love — s hould be forbidden
· students’argue
* campus love — na tur al
* campus love — promote lea rning
· conclu sion
* both views lop-sided
* depending on how to deal with it
本文是一篇議論文。引言部分開宗明義提出師生對這一話題的爭議; 主體部分分別擺出兩種不同論點和論證, 結(jié)尾部分是作者的態(tài)度, 不偏不倚地加以評論。本文的.命題和寫作是議論