What is the Salary of a Social Worker?
Social work is not typically a career one goes into expecting fame and fortune. It can mean long hours, lack of resources, frustrating cases, and much more. Social workers need vast reserves of patience and compassion to do their jobs well. However, those who excel in this field often find that helping individuals, families and communities recover from crises is a reward that far outweighs the less attractive aspects of social work. "What is the salary of a social worker?" is probably not the first question social-workers-to-be should ask, but salary research is a vital part of any career decision and ought to be considered. So, what is the salary of a social worker? There will be many different answers to this question depending on factors as diverse as education, location and experience. You can find the answer to this and many other salary questions by researching PayScale's data on the salaries of social workers.
Social Worker Starting Salaries
Everyone has to start somewhere, and social workers are no exception. The salaries of social workers are fairly closely tied to experience; the more time a social worker has spent on the job, the more likely it is that he or she will know how to handle the next case that comes through the door. To research social worker starting salaries, check out the Social Worker Salary by Years Experience chart shown above. Viewing that chart, it's clear that social worker starting salaries are the first step in a steady salary progression as a social worker gains experience. While experience may be the best teacher, a solid educational background can be of help too. For social workers, salary is highest with a Master of Social Work degree. To compare and contrast, visit the Salaries of Social Workers by Degree page. As with most careers, the salaries of social workers vary from state to state. Researching a Social Worker Salary by State shows that California and New York currently offer the highest median social worker salary.
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