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What Does a Resume Look like
345 Butler Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 940-1234, bbill@thomas.butler.edu
Marketing position with a leading pharmaceutical manufacturing company requiring my proven sales abilities, interpersonal skills and understanding of successful marketing techniques.
Butler University Indianapolis, IN
Bachelor of Science in Marketing May, 2002
Course of study included: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Marketing Research, Human Resources Management, Micro- and Macroeconomics, Analysis, Accounting, Finance.
ABC Automobile Manufacturing Corporation
Indianapolis, IN
Marketing Department Intern
August 2001-April 2002
Conducted research on consumer preferences regarding automobiles. Participated in design and implementation of marketing event to promote ABC cars. Identified and contact potential sponsors for event.
XYZ Widgets Company Indianapolis, IN
Marketing Department Intern Summer 2000
Organized and participated in trade shot to highlight small manufacturing company's products. Assisted in coordinating publicity efforts. Coordinated media relations for trade press. Trade show resulted in a 5 percent increase in new clients for company, with a 20 percent increase in annual revenues.
Macintosh Systems: Photoshop, Word, Excel, PageMaker, Power point.
IBM Systems: Word, Excel, Power point, Page Mill Proficient in HTML
President, Marketing Club, 2001-2002
Outstanding Student Top Ten, 2001
Wheeler Mission, 2000-present
Big Brothers of Indianapolis, 1999-2001
Hospice of Indiana, 1999-2001
Available upon request
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