目 錄
一、 開題報告
1、 總述
2、 提綱
3、 要求
4、 范例
1、 論文內(nèi)容
1) 引論
2) 理論概述
3) 研究方法
4) 個案研究
5) 分析討論
6) 結(jié)論
2、 論文形式
1) 語言
2) 論文各部分的順序
3) 引文形式
4) 字數(shù)要求
5) 定義
6) 圖表
3、 排版格式
1) 封面
2) 格式
附錄1- 開題報告范例
附錄2- 引文范例
附錄3- 參考文獻范例
附錄4- 封面范例
前 言
1 總述
2 提綱
3 參考文獻
4 要求
5 范例
1 論文內(nèi)容
1) 引論
2) 理論概述
3) 研究方法
4) 個案研究
5) 分析討論
6) 結(jié)論
2 論文形式
(1) 提要:中英文對應(yīng),中文在前,英文在后;提要文尾應(yīng)列出論文關(guān)鍵詞,不少于三個;提要的篇幅不少于一頁。
(2) 鳴謝:除向?qū)φ撐挠羞^具體指導(dǎo)幫助的人員致謝外,還應(yīng)向論文所使用的各種文獻的作者表示感謝。
(3) 目錄:目錄應(yīng)詳細,可分多級標題;為便于查閱,各級標題都應(yīng)包括在目錄內(nèi);目錄后還可列有圖表清單、縮略語清單等(如果有)。
(4) 正文:包括以上第1部分“論文內(nèi)容”所述的各項內(nèi)容。
(5) 注釋:可采用尾注,也可采用腳注,二者僅擇其一,不必重復(fù)。
(6) 參考文獻:凡論文中所引用、引述、或以其他方式參考過的文獻資料均應(yīng)列于參考文獻,應(yīng)分別列出英文文獻和中文文獻,英文文獻的排列以作者姓氏首字母為序;中文文獻的排列以作者姓氏漢語拼音首字母為序。各條順序為:姓氏、(英文姓氏后面應(yīng)以逗號隔開)名字、文獻名、(如系雜志,此處為雜志名,并注明第幾期)出版地、出版者、出版年代。如系翻譯、編輯等非原創(chuàng)著作,需在姓名后加括號注明。(參見附錄2)
3) 引文形式
4) 字數(shù)要求:論文應(yīng)不少于二萬英文詞,按本規(guī)范要求的字號行距排定后,總篇幅應(yīng)在六十頁左右。
5) 定義:如果使用術(shù)語和縮略語較多,并且在論文中使用這些詞語的某一規(guī)定性意義,可先將這些術(shù)語和縮略語定義或釋義。
6) 圖表:如需使用圖示、表格,可插在正文提及該圖表的地方。兩個圖表以上須編號:如表1、表2……;圖1、圖2……。如圖表過大、過多,且僅用作參考,可作為附錄集中置于文尾。
3 排版格式
1) 封面
2) 格式
(1) 標題:各級標題一律用黑體字。一級標題居中,二級以下各標題左對齊。
(2) 正文:正文左右兩邊都對齊。
(3) 頁碼:頁碼一律居中。
(4) 字號字體:除封面外,論文應(yīng)使用英文Times New Roman 11號字體或其他正楷11號字,不可使用花體字;書名、文獻名等作品名稱應(yīng)使用斜體字。注解用9號以下字體。
(5) 行距:正文行距1.5倍。
(6) 段落格式:
凡本文未包括事項,請參照“MLA格式指南及學(xué)術(shù)出版準則”第二版(上海外語教育出版社,2001)、“Publication Manual, APA”最新版,以及一般英文論文寫作慣例。
附錄1- 開題報告范例(僅供參考)
Thesis Proposal
Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies
By ________________
Date: ________________
Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies
1 Introduction
The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).
DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective. Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
The method of DTS is basically descriptive. The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. Translation phenomena are noted down. With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS. “Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions. Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.
2 Outline
2.1 Development and major concepts of DTS
In this part I will describe Holms’ basic map of DTS and the relationship between function, process and product. I will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.
2.2 Methodolgy
I will in this part discuss the methodology of DTS before I apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.
2.3 DTS in contrast to other theories
A contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of DTS from other theories such as equivalence theory and the Chinese Xin Da Ya criteria. Some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.
2.4 Case study
In this part, translation of The Dream of Red Mansions (also translated as The Story of The Stone) will be under investigation in light of DTS. Translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.
2.5 Conclusion
Based on the above elaboration of DTS and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of DTS in specific study of translation. Suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.
(Note: While the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)
附錄2- 引文范例(僅供參考)
“It is therefore pointless to try to make TC more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. Translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”(Wilss, 1982: 217)
附錄3- 參考文獻范例(僅供參考)
Wilss, Wolfram. The Science of Translation – Problems and Methods. Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen,1982.
Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall, 1988.
Delabastita, Dirk. Translating Puns: A false Opposition in Translation Studies. Target, 1991(3:2):137-152.
張南峰(譯). 王爾德戲劇選. 福州:海峽文藝出版社,1990.
戴煒棟. 構(gòu)建具有中國特色的英語教學(xué)“一條龍”體系,外語教學(xué)與研究,2001(5).
附錄4- 封面范例(僅供參考)(中文)
專 業(yè):
作 者:
導(dǎo) 師:
寫作時間: —
School of International Studies
University of International Business and Economics
Pragmatic Strategies
in Advertising: Implicatures
Wang Ying
A thesis submitted to School of International Studies of
University of International Business and Economics
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the degree of Master of Arts
April 2002
Beijing, China
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