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設(shè)計(論文)題目: The Trade Relations of Sino-America                          
1. Introductions 1
2. Pre-crisis Sino-American Trade Relation 4
2.1 Honey-Moon Period of Sino-Americana Trade Relation 4
2.2 An approaching shadow 5
3. The direct impact of the 2008 Crisis on Sino-American trade relations 6
3.1 The Impact of Economic Interdependence on Sino-U.S. Relations 6
3.2 The hidden root of the imbalances 7
3.3 the impact of the crisis on Sino-U.S relations 8
References 10
Acknowledgement 11


The Trade Relations of Sino-America
Abstract: The world is now rapidly entering the so-called “Post-Crisis Era”. A growing number of people now announce that the “Pax American” is entering its final chapter. During this historical time, it became a necessity to reassess Sino-American trade relation. This article is focused not only on mere trade relation between China and America but also focused on the comparative advantages of Chinese companies and American companies in order to predict the future of Sino-American trade relation.
Keyword: Sino-American relations; Trade



關(guān)鍵詞:中美關(guān)系, 貿(mào)易






1. Introduction
Considering the current world trade situation it became necessary to reexamine the fact that the economic crisis had taken a heavy toll on international trade. This article now assess the current global economic situation and then base on that situation to provide helpful analysis on Sino-American trade relation.
2.  Pre-crisis Sino-American Trade Relation
  2.1 Honey-Moon Period of Sino-American Trade Relation
    The Pre-crisis Sino-American trade relation is, to a certain extent predatory. US companies use their financial and technological superiority to secure resources and low-end products from all over the globe. China as a large but largely undeveloped nation, while rich in men-power and seemingly rich in resource, but lack the capital and the technological capacity, seeks foreign investment to help its development. Naturally the US and China was a perfect match. US provide the financial and tech support in exchange for China’s cheap products and resources. Both parties have benefited in this arrangement. For China, the benefit not only in the direct investments made by American companies and firms, but also in the massive daily products sold to average US citizen. In total, during the period of 1980 to 2000,investments from US made up to 60 percent of total for the whole FDIs China received,and US remains the largest trade partner of China till today,not to mention the benefits of advanced tech and managing techniques that Chinese learned from American. As for US,at that time it looked like a win too. Thanks to the vast,seemingly unlimited Chinese work force, US citizens can purchase a relatively same quality Chinese made shirt for a fraction of price of a US made shirt,and it’s not only the shirts,canned food,all sorts of clothing,all kinds of mid and low end shoes,TVs,power tools hardware,you name it. And for major American cooperates it was good too. Big monopoly cooperates can exploit Chinese labor and vast Chinese markets to a full extent,and a developing China did not have the Union system back in US to drag down the profit. All in all, it would seem like a win-win for both China and America. However,things were about to change.
2.2 An approaching shadow商務(wù)英語畢業(yè)論文范文
   It was wildly evaluated that Chinese economy is roughly half a century behind that of America’s in the glorious 80s’. I sometimes wonder,why those Americans don’t seem this coming,I really mean it,why didn’t the Americans take a little break and say to themselves: “Chinese civilization lasts some 4000 years,clearly somebody in china know why. What if those people can take charge of China? What will become of us then?” But sadly for them, it would seem none of them think that way. Those Americans greatly underestimate the will and mind of Chinese people. For in a mere 20 years China has made the transformation from one of the poorest country in the entire world to a country that had the financial power to tip the balance in a financial warfare. Yes I am talking about the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,A crisis caused by some idiotic political leaders in southeastern Asian countries and a handful of so-called American speculative-investors. By promising that the RMB will not devalue and actually holding that promise,China had successfully protected its newly returned SAR---HongKong from the rampage of the crisis,and in doing so,assisted other Asian countries repair and rebuild the damages done during the crisis. If asked I would say it is for the Americans’ best interest to see China as a real economical rival at that time. As we all know,they didn’t .
    And even during 1990s,when they should know China’s rise is imminent,the trade between China and America still flows. In 2000, China was just the tenth biggest export market for the United States, but it rose to the fifth place in 2004. If Hong Kong is taken into account, China had become America's third biggest export market in 2005. In 2006, the bilateral trade relations entered a new stage when China, by surpassing Mexico, became America’s second biggest trading partner
    And not long after that,the Crisis came….
3. The direct impact of the 2008 Crisis on Sino-American trade relations
One could say the most profoundly influential event during the first decade of the 21st century was the 2008 crisis,and I doubt that there would any different opinions, but before I go ahead and discuss the impact of the crisis,I would like to take more about the pre-crisis Sino-American relations.
3.1 The Impact of Economic Interdependence on Sino-U.S. Relations
    Based on the evaluation of the economic interdependence In the field of trade, direct investment and finance. In the trade economic interdependence of Sino-American Relations, the sensitivity of china is bigger than America’s, and vulnerability of china is also bigger than America’s. Therefore, the trade interdependence of Sino-American  relations is asymmetric, the U.S. Stand in predominance position, and possess the power of manipulation, but the status of china in the trade interdependence of Sino-American .Relations is ascending, meanwhile, the status of the U.S. is declining. In other words, the trade interdependence of Sino-U.S. Relations possesses the trend of symmetry. The direct investment relation in Sino-U.S also has the character of asymmetric, the U.S. Situate dominance position, analysing in the trend of change, the direct investment relations in Sino-U.S. Also has the trend of symmetry. In the realm of finance, this dissertation mainly study the situation of which china holding the U.S. treasury bonds. We consider that the Sino-U.S. Finance Relations have not formed "Financial balance of terror". Relations, and also brought uncertain factors, this dissertation discussed the friction which the economic interdependence bring about. Analyzed the impact of politicization of economic and trade frictions on Sino-U.S. Relations. We bordered by 1000 year, divided Sino-U.S. Relations into two Periods, one is post-Cold War. Exploring the Positive impact of the economic interdependence on Sino-U.S. Relations. Analysing the influence of asymmetric trend on Sino-U.S. Relations.
3.2 The hidden root of the imbalances
    Dollar standard is the root of the imbalance, so the sustainability of dollar standard determines whether the imbalance can persist or not. Actually, dollar standard is the root of global liquidity glut and global financial turbulence. The liquidity caused by dollar standard has contagion effects on “Trade Countries”. The over innovation of financial market in the U.S.is also an important reason for global liquidity glut. Besides, dollar standard increase the global financial risks by aggravating global interest fluctuation and accelerating global capital flows. As a result, dollar standard also affect global economy negatively. In long term, the reform of international system is an inexorable trend, which determines the unsustainability of dollar standard. But in short term, dollar standard can still persist. So the sustainability of Sino-U.S. economic imbalance can be concluded as persist in short term but vanish in long term. The financial development mode of the U.S.in 1990s is typical self-reinforcing, and it determines that the financial development is unsustainable. After the global financial crisis, the U.S. will attach great importance to the development of real economic sector and shrink financial sector. Since 2005, the financial reform in China develops fast in the perspective of openness, structure, and efficiency. The trend will persist in future. So looking forward, the variance of financial development between the two countries is getting smaller and smaller, and this will rebalance the Sino-U.S. economic relation.
3.3 The impact of the crisis on Sino-U.S relations
Under the global financial crisis, The U.S. sub-prime crisis contains the following stages: outbreak, shortage of liquidity, credit crunch, and hit real economy. In September 2008, the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis evolved into the global financial crisis. U.S. Federal Reserve's monetary policy mistakes, and the resulting global economic imbalances caused by excess global liquidity, and the United States over the absence of financial innovation and financial supervision is the main reason for causing the crisis. In essence, the current round of global financial crisis is the result of excessive growth of virtual economies. The crises had a significant impact on the imbalance, and promote its change. First, the U.S. real economy recession led to an overall decline in import demand, leading to scale down its imports to China; Second, the U.S. government began to adjust and continue to use trade policy to restrict imports, China became the largest U.S. trade protectionism victim; it is also an opportunity to adjust China's investment structure; Finally, China's large dollar reserve assets is risking due to increased volatility in dollar exchange rate, and the Chinese monetary authority is bound to take active measures. In the post-crisis era, Sino-U.S. economic relation is affected by a number of factors and constraints: First, the Fed's loose monetary policy and the withdrawal time. Second, Sino-U.S. economic restructuring policy. On the one hand, China's policy of expanding domestic demand would be helpful to reduce the current account surplus; on the other hand, the level of U.S. consumer savings rate continued to decline and will continue to increase to some extent, reduce its current account deficit and reduce the dependence on foreign capital. Third, the current international monetary system reform. The United States will have to reform the international monetary system and other major issues, and listen more to developing countries; Finally, the accelerated process of internationalization of RMB.RMB internationalization process of accelerating the formation of the impact on the dollar standard system, and help alleviate the imbalance of Sino-US economic relations. However, it will be a long process.

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At the end, I’d like to express my deeply thanks, because many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. First I’d like to give my gratitude to my dear teacher Sunjing, who generously gave me her kindly help and instructions during the whole process of my paper—writing. Without her help and wise guidance, it’s impossible for me to finish the thesis. At the same time, I want to say thank you to my good friends who help me out when I come to troubles in the process of writing. Most important of all, I want to give my thanks to my mother university—Qingdao Hotel Management College and all teachers who educated me to be a qualified person in the future.










