Chinese parents tendto pay so much attention to the academic performance of their children thatthey stop their kids from helping with the housework. The primary requirementfor children is to study hard. Children are entitled to go to eliteuniversities with high exam scores. Parents believe this is for the benefit oftheir children. Because in a highly competitive society like China, only highscores can guarantee kids a bright future.Chinese parents also think that theywill be respected if their children make greater achievements in society.Therefore, parents are willing to sacrifice their own time, hobbies andinterest to provide their children with better conditions.
Lijiang, an ancienttown in Yunan province, is one of the famous tourist destinations in China. Thepace of life there is slower than in most cities of China. There is naturalscenery everywhere in Lijiang. A number of minority compatriots provide variousand colorful cultures for tourists to experience. Lijiang has also been knownas the “City of Love” throughout history. Plenty of legends about people born for loveand die for love circulate among the local people. Nowadays, this ancient townis regarded as the paradise of love and romance in the eyes of both Chinese andforeign visitors.
This year, an annualMandarin Speech Contest for Foreign Nationals was held in Changsha.This contest proved to be a good way to promote the cultural communicationbetween China and other regions in the world. It provided an opportunity foryoung people around the world to understand China better.
A total of 126competitors from 87 nations gathering in the capital of Hunan provinceparticipated in the semifinal and final held from July 6th to August5th.
The contest was notthe only activity. Contestants also had a chance to visit the famous scenicsights and historical spots in other regions of China.